Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Social Climate Of White And Blue Collar - 1273 Words

College is one of the most beneficial gifts a parent can give to their child, an opportunity to give their children a higher education than what they received. College tuition has more than double when compared to the last generation, making unpayable debts increasingly higher on graduates. At the same time college admission rates have also increased, creating a factory with a high surplus of college graduates looking for a jobs that there is not enough demand for. University in the past was considered a privilege but now it has become a cultural standard in the U.S. and the rest of developed nations. The social climate of white and blue collar classes, the idea of working hard vs. the idea of working smart, may have created the social climate that looks down on blue collar workers. Even though Hacker and Dreifus, and Murray take two different approaches to the purpose of universities, they actually agree on the important idea that colleges are not for everyone, contrary to popu lar belief, this common ground becomes clear through the price of admission, the stigma of a college education, and the original purpose of going to college. Colleges are taking on too many roles and doing none well (Hacker and Dreifus). As stated, the price of admission has clearly augmented in the last decades. What is to gain from paying ludicrous amounts to a PhD factories? Universities have also grown to become a $420 billion dollar conglomerate in the last decades that is immune toShow MoreRelatedThe Effect Of Life Expectancy1366 Words   |  6 Pages Due to the life expectancy people are getting more and more involved in politics and religious crusades, which are causing a number of disparities and invasions on our planet. 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