Monday, April 13, 2020

Qnt 351 Data Collection Essay Example

Qnt 351 Data Collection Essay The purpose of the Learning Team assignment is acquaint teams with the research study undertaken, purpose of the study, research question, and so on. The team assignment is to complete the first step in data analysis in the following form: 1. Describe the problem, purpose, research questions, and hypotheses 2. Evaluate of the instrument used for data collection 3. Describe and evaluate how the data was collected 4. Code the data and evaluate the procedure used . Clean the data by eliminating the data input errors made 6. Draw conclusions about appropriateness of data to meet the purpose of the study Resources Required Data collected from RES/351 University of Phoenix Material: Ballard Integrated Managed Services, Inc, Part 1. Grading Guide Content70 Percent| Points Available65| Points EarnedX/65| Additional Comments:| * All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way. * Presents the chosen situation as an overview—problem, purpose, research questions, and h ypotheses. Describes the instrument used for data collection. * Describes how the data is collected. * Describes how the data is coded and evaluates the procedure used. * Cleans the data by eliminating the data input errors made. * Draws conclusions about appropriateness of the data to meet the purpose of study. * Includes a 5- to 7-slide Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® presentation| | 62/65|   You have all of the required information and the main business issues/concerns are related to turn over, high absenteeism, morale, and discontent of the workforce. In a 5-7 slides presentation added to the last week’s presentation as an introduction overview, what would the sequence of slides be and what page title to each slide would you give? This should be the structure of the paper. The problem statement needs a separate slide and one heading should be dedicated to the issues and concerns. In summary, you need an outline or table of contents and headings. Another critical thinking issue is how would you have conducted the survey to ensure a higher percentage of responses instead of 17%.? Organization / Development15 Percent| Points Available15| Points Earned13/15| Additional Comments:| * The paper is no more than 700 to 1,050 words in length. * Paragraph transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper. * The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment. * Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. * Sentences are well constructed, strong, and varied. * Sentence transitions are present and maintain t he flow of thought. | | |   The paper is well written and sentences are clear. We will write a custom essay sample on Qnt 351 Data Collection specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Qnt 351 Data Collection specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Qnt 351 Data Collection specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer A good structure with introduction (which you have) and conclusions will make it a great paper. The flow of paper is affected by lack of structure. | Mechanics 10 Percent| Points Available10| Points Earned8/10| Additional Comments:| * The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page—is consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements. * Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page. * Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. * Spelling is correct. | |   Headings are lacking and not consistent with APA guidelines. | | Total Available| Total Earned| | | 90| 83/90|   | Data Collection Ballard Integrated Managed Services (BIMS) is a nationwide service company that provides housekeeping and foodservice support to institutions across the United States. One division managed by Barbara Tucker services the Douglas Medical Center and has been one of the most successful locations. Recently this location has been experiencing a higher rate of turnover causing concern among managing staff about its causes as well as its possible solutions. Because most of these jobs are low-skill in nature, replacement of these employees has been easy; however it has brought about an increased cost, and reveals a deeper problem within company morale. To obtain the reason behind the lowered morale, a ten-question survey was conducted of existing employees to understand company strengths as well as areas for needed improvement. Employees were asked questions such as, do your enjoy working at BIMS, are you paid fairly, does management treat you well, and do you enjoy your assigned shift (University of Phoenix Material, 2013) . As a 24-hour operation hypothesis range from employees not working the times they need, to addressing employee pride in their work that comes along with fair treatment by managerial staff members and fair compensation for services provided. Debbie Horner, the HR manager responsible for this survey felt the problem was concentrated in employee motivation and felt that this was the area that needed most improvement. Possible solutions to this are incentive competitions, shift changes, and change in managerial approach to individual needs to raise employee self-worth and satisfaction. Both quantitative and qualitative data was collected from the survey. Using the quantitative data the Human Resource Manager Debbie Horner posed questions that varied from the numbers one through five. One was the worst rating and five was the best. Utilizing this data the human resource manager was enabled to gain a more clear perspective on how people felt about working for this organization. She utilizes qualitative data to discover the gender of the participants, what position they hold within the company and the length of time that the person has been employed with the company (University of Phoenix Material, 2013). The purpose is to obtain the general opinion of the participants. The method for collected data was through a survey that was extended to 449 of the company’s employees. The BIMS survey includes ten questions that are specific to the questions that are in appendix A. From there, follows with five questions that will help divide some of the demographics of the answers from the first ten questions. The variables and measurements that are being used are helping to find and identify why the employee morale levels are so low. The first set of questions has an answer range from one through five. This is an ordinal level of measurement. The numbers are used as levels of importance, rather than answers. This variable also can be measured by this scale so the level of measurement is ordinal. Different levels of measurement have to use different statistical techniques (University of Phoenix Material, 2013). For questions A, C, and D the level of measurement is nominal. The order the questions are asked does not matter, and they qualify as qualitative data. The questions ask for the employees to describe and categorize themselves as manager, supervisor, male, female and what department they work in. For question B the level of measurement is ratio. The question has a zero value. The question asks how long someone has worked for BIMS. Because this question cannot produce a negative answer, for the amount of time they have worked there the level used is ratio. The BIMS employee survey data is coded numerically on the ordinal, ratio, and nominal levels. The data from Column one represents the 78 survey participants who are numbered from one to 78. In column two through 11 of the data set represents survey questions one through 10. Each of the participants has been asked to each answer each of the questions with a one to five rating, one being positive and five being negative. The responses from the survey were recorded and placed in rows and columns of the data set. If the survey participant did not answer a question, a zero is recorded (University of Phoenix Material, 2013). After reviewing the data, errors have been discovered. There were sixes in place of the fives. Debbie Horner would input the data and instead of a five she was placing a six. The sixes had to be changed. However, Debbie did not make an error in the coding of how long each employee has worked there; Debbie converted the years into months. In this section the six was correct and did not need to be corrected (University of Phoenix Material, 2013). The conclusion that was made was with the total staff equaling 452 workers, there was only a 17. 3percent response rate. There were only 78 responses out of 452. The morale of the staff is very low, and even with the concern the HR manager shows in making the questionnaire, the answers cannot be judged by the response because of the low return rate given (University of Phoenix Material, 2013). If there had been more employees concerned enough to give their opinion then this survey could be used in the research. However, since not many participated, Team A feels this was inconclusive. These answers are biased because only 7 people worked in Maintenance. There were 36 answered by Food employees and 35 answered by Housekeeping. It is an unfair advantage and not enough people answered the survey (University of Phoenix Material, 2013). Conclusion Team A presented the BIMS situation as an overview problem, purpose, research questions, and hypotheses. There was a description of the instrument used for data collection for this paper. The paper identified the quantitative and qualitative data collected and how the data was collected. There was also identification on the level of measurement for each of the variables involved in the study. The paper provided description of how the data is coded and evaluated the procedure used. Team A cleaned the data by eliminating the data input errors made. Finally, team A came to the conclusion about appropriateness of the data to meet the purpose of the study. Reference University of Phoenix Material. (2013). Ballard Integrated Managed Services, Inc. , Part 1, 3(3), 1.

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