Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sexed Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Sexed Crime - Essay Example Significantly, changes in the meaning of 'sex' as well as challenges to the speaking positions of the dominant groups have led to an ultimate shift from the use of sex crime to sexed crime. One of the most essential concerns of Adrian Howe's Sexed crime in the News has been to analyse whether the concept of sexed crime has a potential to expand one's understanding of sexual violence and Howe claims that "calling sex crime 'sexed crime' does have interesting, destabilising effects." (Howe 1998, P. 6). According to Howe, the complacency and self-evidence of sex crime is disturbed by the use of sexed crime instead of sex crime. In an understanding of the other important destabilising effects, it becomes lucid that speaking about sexed rather than sex crime "problematises the 'sex' of crimes of violence", "acknowledges that women are not the only sex - men have a sex too," and "speaking about sexed crime sexes violence in the sense of asking questions about the fundamental, but often ign ored, sexed and sexual aspects of that violence." (Howe 1998, P. 6). ... Various pertinent questions crop up in an attempt to analyse the difference between the concepts 'sex crime' and 'sexed crime' such as what is 'sexed' crime, can sexual assaults be considered as sex crime, is family violence sex crime, etc. According to Howe, there are several destabilising effects of 'calling sex crime sexed crime' and the latter is broader in scope than the former. Thus, calling sex crime sexed crime can disturb the self-evidence of sex crime, and sexed crime covers all forms of violence in which the gender of the victim, as well as the perpetrator, is significant to the violent act. "Sexed crimeis violence which can only be fully understood within the context of relationships which are profoundly sexed but which are not often recognised as such, precisely because they are dismissed as having something to do with a vaguely defined, amorphous 'gender'. The point of questioning the sex of sex crime is to challenge the taken-for-granted ways in which sexed and gendere d relations are represented in public discourses such as those of the media." (Howe 1998, P. 6). Therefore, it is essential to realise that Howe (1998), in her Sexed crime in the News, comes up with a new and somewhat different approach to the issue of sex crime, which is critical of the idea purported by Keith Soothill and Sylvia Walby in Sex Crime in the News (1991). Sex crime is a term which is commonly used in order to refer to the sexual assaults against females across the globe and there have been reference to the age of sex crime in the modern times. Sex and violence in the contemporary world have been closely interconnected in the recent day world and they are

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Handmaid tale essay Essay Example for Free

The Handmaid tale essay Essay Everything except the wings around my face are red: the color of blood, which defines us. The skirt is ankle length, full, gathered to a flat yoke that extends over our breasts the sleeves are full, (9). Through this detailed imagery, the quote shows the restrictions on the handmaids and how they cant expose themselves to the men of Gilead, the color and appearance of the clothing is simple and boring, reflecting on their jobs as handmaids who just have one specific duty and that is to repopulate Gilead, their lack of freedom is shown as they have no choice, personality and individuality. The shoes flat-heeled shows that they cant present their sensuality, on the other hand, the wives that wear high heels shows power, control and a stimulant for sexual needs. The importance of the color red to the comparing of blood symbolizes fertility and womanhood; it also symbolizes danger for the people of Gilead to stay away from the handmaids. It also reminds the reader of a fairytale the little red riding hood hence, it is ironic because the life of a handmaid is nothing like a fairytale and they are represents political prostitutes. Moreover Gileads regime is extra strict on females, the violence towards is seen during the mass execution. Beneath the hems of the dresses the feet dangle, two pairs of red shoes, one pair of blue. If it werent for the ropes and the sacks it could be a kind of dance, a ballet, caught by flash-camera; mid-air. They look arranged. They look like showbiz. (346), through this visual imagery and simile, something brutal like death is presented as a performance of some sort. In this extract, Gilead is shown to have power and isnt afraid to take lives of females, and someones life has no value in Gilead, because everyone can be easily replaced. Furthermore, the men in Gilead are sexist; they enforced strict laws on the women of Gilead so they wouldnt be able to commit sinful acts like rape. Even though these laws were there to protect women, through the character of the Commander and the doctor the reader sees their sufferings and their manipulation of the law to get what they want, sex. The women in this novel, more specifically the handmaids symbolize sex because they are victims of this sexual thrust that the men of Gilead face. Through the Commander, the reader learns about his perspective on women of pre-Gilead and Gilead. Inability to feel. Men were turning off on sex. (263) The commander states that he had to make these laws so the men of pre-Gilead could feel, but the Commander didnt care for the females and their emotions, he had an anti-feminist perspective and decided to categorize females for his advantage. Likewise, it illustrates how men only want women to fulfill their sexual needs. In fact, they would not want to deal with elements of relationships such as love and emotions. Another example of sexism is at the night of the ceremony where the male figure, the commander is given the authority and power to begin the ceremony. Hes like a man toying with a steak, behind a restaurant window, pretending not to see the eyes watching him form hungry darkness. (110) The commanders character represents a figure of power and authority in this context, Atwood displays him as a leader of the household but him abusing his power to visit clubs like Jezebel proves that he has no respect for females and the laws that he enforced on the males and females of Gilead doesnt apply to him because he thinks of himself as a superior being, over the guardians and angels. In fact, they would not want to deal with elements of relationships such as love and emotions. Moreover, certain men in Gilead had the power to accuse women of acts that they didnt commit. The character of the Doctor is an example of this, who abused his power to victimizes a females and get sex. Upon seeing Offreds body, he trys to force Offred into having sex with him and he manipulates her by stating that he can get her pregnant and no one know. This is evident through the quote, He takes his hand away, lazily almost, lingeringly, this is not the last word as far as hes concerned. He could fake the tests, report me for cancer, for infertility, have me shipped off to the Colonies, with Unwomen. None of this has been said, but the knowledge of his power hangs nevertheless in the air as he pats my thighs (76). This illustrates how male could easily break the rules without getting in trouble while the females of Gilead have no rights or power. Even if the doctor was to be reported, the authorities would take his side instead of the woman. Therefore, such characters with power seem to get what they want and they misuse females for their sexual pleasures. Hence, females have always been victims of these sexual predations. In addition to this, there is sexism in the futuristic society after Gilead, where the speaker, Professor Piexioto, jokes about the Underground femaleroad, and refers to as a frailroad, meaning a weak or breakable road suggesting that females are weak and easy to repress upon. The professor seems more interested in the identity of the Commander but not the human sufferings of Offred who was victimized by the Commander and the regime of Gilead. It is ironic that during this conference the minority were females, only one female professor was present at the conference which proves that even though this society, the society of 2195, is still sexist, some female rights have been reclaimed. In conclusion, The Handmaids tale presents extreme forms of sexism and hatred towards females, and repetition of this sexism is present in cultures preceding and following Gilead which proves that sexism is widespread in societies, today. Usually females are targeted to physical and emotion abuse from men, this is not only wrong but something that scars one for life. Men are men and women are women. Both have some specialties. And in that particular area one should be respected by the opposite and should be assigned to lead. So leading an example and not becoming a bystander will contribute to the awareness of sexism and equality can be formed. And even though it is in human nature for men to manipulate and take advantage of females, females should take a step and fight for their rights. Therefore, the message is that females should not be contended within their society and should change for their benefits.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

the plant cell :: essays research papers

The Plant Cell Cell Wall Size: Around 1Â µ Basic Function: * Hold the shape of the cell. * Strengthen the cell. Covering the cell membrane of the plant cell, there is the cell wall. The cell wall is composed of two layers of rigid, hard cellulose embedded in compounds like pectin and lignin. Pores in the cell wall allow molecules to pass through. The cell wall has two parts. The primary cell wall is formed during the growth of the cell. After the cell has stopped growing, a secondary cell wall forms. This secondary wall is made of lignin and cellulose, woven together tightly, to prevent further growth and to form and strong protective barrier. Cytoplasm Size: Unmeasurable Basic Function: * Helps dissolve waste products * Creates a "medium" for vesicles to travel through * Aids in cell metabolism * Serves as a home for the cytoskeleton. The cytoplasm is the jelly-like material that makes up much of the cell. It is 80% water and usually clear in color. It also contains many salts. The liquid portion is referred to as cytosol. In fact, "cytoplasm" means "cell substance." The cytoplasm is also the home of the cytoskeleton, a network of cytoplasmic filaments that are responsible for the movement of the cell. The cytoplasm is constantly moving and churning due to cytoplasmic streaming. Golgi Apparatus Size: Between 2 and 3Â µ Basic Function: * Serves as "processing center" for cell. * Packages and processes new proteins. * Prepares proteins for secretion or storage. The Golgi Apparatus is a series of stacked membranes in the cytoplasm that packages proteins for secretion or storage in vesicles. Inside the membranes are sacs of fluid or gel-like substances. The Golgi Apparatus takes proteins in transport sacs from the endoplasmic reticulum and sends it through a series of these membranes. The proteins are then "modified"' as they pass from membrane to membrane. After the vesicle of proteins has finished its trip through the Golgi Apparatus, it buds off the organelle in a Golgi sac, ready to be stored or transported to other parts of the body. Cell Membrane Size: 7 to 8 NM (nanometers) Basic Function: * Controls what enters and exits the cell. * Separates cell from outer environment. On the outside of all cells, there is a layer of protein and lipid (fat) called the cell membrane or the plasma membrane. This membrane is found in ALL cells. The membrane is selectively permeable, meaning it allows some molecules to enter and some not to. The membrane allows molecules in through two forms

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Poem Blessing, by Imtiaz Dharker

The poem blessing, by imtiaz dharker depicts the desperation of water in a place which is a victim of drought. the poet has very vividly described the unfortunate situation and has also made the reader sympathize greatly with the poverty sticken people of this area. The poet begins the poem with a simile â€Å"the skin cracks like a pod† which appeals to the visual imagery of the reader as it paints a picture of people with very dry skin in the readers mind.This simile is used very effectively as it not only adds to the visual imagery of the reader but also captivates the reader by hinting to the reader about the lack of water in an area which is further described in more detail. the next line clearly states the theme of the poem which is the description of a situation with deficiency of water and extreme poverty. In the former part of the poem ,† imagine the drip of it†, the poet is expressing the desperation of water by the people. this line is being said or thou ght by the people affected by this calamity! t suggests that these people are craving water so much that they are hallucinating about the sound of water splashing into a tin mug and comparing this sound to â€Å"the voice of a kindly god†. the words† small splash† and â€Å"echo† add to the auditory imagery of the reader which help the reader understand the situation being expressed by he poet more vividly. the writer mention a â€Å"tin mug† in the hallucination of the victims which suggests poverty to the reader . this is because while dreaming about water which is heavenly for these people they imagine it being dripping Into a tin mug which is unusual in financially supported households.Moving on the poet uses a metaphor comparing water to fortune in the line†the sudden rush of fortune†. this metaphor enhances the language used and also emphasizes on water being demanded highly and hence being called â€Å"fortune†. The poet the n describes a scenario where a municipal pipe bursts and water is leaking in abundance. another metaphor is used here comparing water to silver. this comparison once again emphasizes on the high demand and craving for water. This scenario is described vividly in the lines â€Å"roar of tongues†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦frantic hands†.These lines add to the visual imagery of the reader and help the reader grasp a more detailed picture trying to be painted by the poet in the readers mind. the word â€Å"frantic† is used to emphasize on the emergency of the situation. In the latter half of the poem the poet mentions â€Å"naked children screaming† being present in the situation . this line puts a poverty stricken atmosphere forth to the reader and makes the reader feel sympathetic towards the situation. in the last stanza the poet has mentioned the presence of heat significantly in the lines† liquid sun†,†polished to perfection† and â€Å"flashin g light†. hese phrases repeatedly remind the reader about the scorching heat which adds to the misery of the situation.The poem ends leaving a significant impact on the reader with the element of god coming in. the poet mentions that angel rays,†flashing light†, shine over these people suffering which signifies that god is watching over their â€Å"small bones†. this phrase also adds to the visual imagery of the reader portraying a scenario effected by poverty and hunger. The poem is written in free verse . njambments llike â€Å"echo in a tin mug†,†every man woman child for streets† and â€Å"frantic hands and naked children† are present in abundance which adds to the flow of the poem due to no rhyme scheme being present. According to me this poem was very appealing as it made me respect the luxuries I get and take for granted. the poet has been able to describe the helpness situation of these poor and hungry people so vivdly that it made me nderstand the value for the goods and services these poor people don’t benefit from and also feel greatly sympathetic towards them.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Stench of Kerosene

Gulper makes a choice by omitting suicide, when she finds out that Magna was forced too find a different wife. She keeps Masks flute under her Departs, which always reminds her of him, and his love to her, Outer / Inner Characterization Outer- There is not told about her apprentice, except a â€Å"Departs† which is a cloth, that Indies girls wear for different accessions. Silver rings Inner- Very happy, homesick, proud, very happy for â€Å"Mare† True love, Development Gulper, develops a lot of feelings for Magna, so strong that It ends in a tragic event.Her obsession Is stronger then life it ‘s self. Her love for Magna is stronger the the lifework Its self. Magna Gluer's Husband Magna, is the husband too Gulper, Hess been married too her for seven years, He has a responsibility, in the family to move their generation , and his mother is aware of that they have been together for many years, and still there has not been any progress in making a baby, which results in Guilder's death. Outer/inner Characterization Outer- none Inner- Nervous, Afraid , lost in thoughts,Respect for family â€Å"mother† Daydreamer Submissive role, passive,emotionalMagna develop his own true feelings, when the newborn baby that was place on his lap, all Hess feels, ends in chaos, as he releases his true feeling in his heart for Gulper by yelling and screaming â€Å"take him away he smells of Kerosene† in the end, he docent really develop himself in a positive way but in a negative in the truth in his heart for Gulper love that been lost forever. Vivian Manna's friend Vivian is a friend of Magna and brings the message about Guilder's death, this news, brings a lot of pain into Manna's heart and soul.Magna and Vivian, has a story together since, they knew each other from past â€Å"the fair† which comes every seven years,Vivian, and Magna have a very close relationship as friends, since he has a flute, like Magna does. Outer-Small bundle on his sh oulder/flute, Haunches Inner- Feeling uneasy, unsure, feeling bad, Manna's Mother Actions The mother has full control over Magna and controls him, she is ashamed of the fact that Gulper is destitute of offspring and she seek a wife for him, that can bear her child by paying for it, she forgets about his feelings.Outer/inner Characterizations Inner-Demanding, Cold hearted. Careless Settings and Time Physical setting The event occurs in small village called Lackawanna that is located outside Champ which is in India, The village that Gulper lives in is on a high ground, and there is a road that curves and descends, steeply downhill. And from that point you can see Champ. The stores takes part different place outside Champ, realistic or unrealistic environment the events that take place in this story are all realistic.Environment details There are a lot of mountains, in this area, many steep curves and slopes, small villages around. Atmosphere It gives you the impression of that, they p eople live in a very hot, place, since India is a very tropical and hot environment. Characters influenced by the environment Guilder's parents, live in Champ that shows, they are city people, Magna and Gulper live outside the city of Champ in a small village.This shows that when young people get married in India, they get to live in some small hut outside the city, where they have too take care of them self s. Just like husband and wife. Social Setting Guilder's parents are part of the middle / uppercases, people, It seems like parents ho choose their children marriage, are about the same middle / upper-class people and when the ceremony is done, they â€Å"happy' married couple are being downgraded into living in a low/middle class environment.Where they are forced too live as husband and wife, with a task that is demand, and this task is having a baby. Time The story its self progress its self trough out 2 days, where Manna's friend comes by, about long past, 7 years back, we ge t window into the past of a married couple. In other words, we get a lot of history about this couple until present day, and the happening of a tragic event.Narrator / Point of view The story is being switched between, 3†² rd person and 1 person, there is a story teller, and we get into the characters as they intact with each other trough out the story, and then we get back too the 3 ‘rd person. There's a bit off mix, and a little bit of omniscient in the story teller. The main character of the story is Magna, since he is the one who gets influenced, trough out the whole story by all the people around him, Gurgle has a important part in this story, since she the one who affects Magna the most in the end.Composition / Plot Title Stench of Kerosene, 1965 The Title indicates, a very strong symbol of that very tragic and dramatic event can occur in point's off woman's/girls life or in the matter of fact, everyone's life, when people get into a point where there is no turning back, that means, â€Å"point of no return† it can lead into a very horrific scenario, with actuality this title shows, we see it in the news, and we see it happen on TV, people setting them self on fire for reasons of desperate and urgent, matters, like no food, no work. Stench of Kerosene Gulper makes a choice by omitting suicide, when she finds out that Magna was forced too find a different wife. She keeps Masks flute under her Departs, which always reminds her of him, and his love to her, Outer / Inner Characterization Outer- There is not told about her apprentice, except a â€Å"Departs† which is a cloth, that Indies girls wear for different accessions. Silver rings Inner- Very happy, homesick, proud, very happy for â€Å"Mare† True love, Development Gulper, develops a lot of feelings for Magna, so strong that It ends in a tragic event.Her obsession Is stronger then life it ‘s self. Her love for Magna is stronger the the lifework Its self. Magna Gluer's Husband Magna, is the husband too Gulper, Hess been married too her for seven years, He has a responsibility, in the family to move their generation , and his mother is aware of that they have been together for many years, and still there has not been any progress in making a baby, which results in Guilder's death. Outer/inner Characterization Outer- none Inner- Nervous, Afraid , lost in thoughts,Respect for family â€Å"mother† Daydreamer Submissive role, passive,emotionalMagna develop his own true feelings, when the newborn baby that was place on his lap, all Hess feels, ends in chaos, as he releases his true feeling in his heart for Gulper by yelling and screaming â€Å"take him away he smells of Kerosene† in the end, he docent really develop himself in a positive way but in a negative in the truth in his heart for Gulper love that been lost forever. Vivian Manna's friend Vivian is a friend of Magna and brings the message about Guilder's death, this news, brings a lot of pain into Manna's heart and soul.Magna and Vivian, has a story together since, they knew each other from past â€Å"the fair† which comes every seven years,Vivian, and Magna have a very close relationship as friends, since he has a flute, like Magna does. Outer-Small bundle on his sh oulder/flute, Haunches Inner- Feeling uneasy, unsure, feeling bad, Manna's Mother Actions The mother has full control over Magna and controls him, she is ashamed of the fact that Gulper is destitute of offspring and she seek a wife for him, that can bear her child by paying for it, she forgets about his feelings.Outer/inner Characterizations Inner-Demanding, Cold hearted. Careless Settings and Time Physical setting The event occurs in small village called Lackawanna that is located outside Champ which is in India, The village that Gulper lives in is on a high ground, and there is a road that curves and descends, steeply downhill. And from that point you can see Champ. The stores takes part different place outside Champ, realistic or unrealistic environment the events that take place in this story are all realistic.Environment details There are a lot of mountains, in this area, many steep curves and slopes, small villages around. Atmosphere It gives you the impression of that, they p eople live in a very hot, place, since India is a very tropical and hot environment. Characters influenced by the environment Guilder's parents, live in Champ that shows, they are city people, Magna and Gulper live outside the city of Champ in a small village.This shows that when young people get married in India, they get to live in some small hut outside the city, where they have too take care of them self s. Just like husband and wife. Social Setting Guilder's parents are part of the middle / uppercases, people, It seems like parents ho choose their children marriage, are about the same middle / upper-class people and when the ceremony is done, they â€Å"happy' married couple are being downgraded into living in a low/middle class environment.Where they are forced too live as husband and wife, with a task that is demand, and this task is having a baby. Time The story its self progress its self trough out 2 days, where Manna's friend comes by, about long past, 7 years back, we ge t window into the past of a married couple. In other words, we get a lot of history about this couple until present day, and the happening of a tragic event.Narrator / Point of view The story is being switched between, 3†² rd person and 1 person, there is a story teller, and we get into the characters as they intact with each other trough out the story, and then we get back too the 3 ‘rd person. There's a bit off mix, and a little bit of omniscient in the story teller. The main character of the story is Magna, since he is the one who gets influenced, trough out the whole story by all the people around him, Gurgle has a important part in this story, since she the one who affects Magna the most in the end.Composition / Plot Title Stench of Kerosene, 1965 The Title indicates, a very strong symbol of that very tragic and dramatic event can occur in point's off woman's/girls life or in the matter of fact, everyone's life, when people get into a point where there is no turning back, that means, â€Å"point of no return† it can lead into a very horrific scenario, with actuality this title shows, we see it in the news, and we see it happen on TV, people setting them self on fire for reasons of desperate and urgent, matters, like no food, no work.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Chocolate - Tastiest Gift And Closest To The Heart Article

Chocolate - Tastiest Gift And Closest To The Heart Article Chocolate Chocolate- Ideal Gift for all occasions. Chocolates have been an ideal gift from time immemorial and age has never been a barrier when it comes to chocolates. The adrenaline rush that fills our body when the chocolate melts in the mouth is an out- of- the- world experience that is difficult to be expressed through words. And who would not want to experience this ecstatic feeling. Out For some people the mere sight of chocolates coupled with its aroma can bring about an inexplicable joy in their minds. When something beholds so many enticing qualities, it is not surprising that chocolates are the most sought after gifts for all happy occasions. Many believe that chocolate gifts are an ideal way to express feelings of love, friendship and joyous occasions. Chocolates are a must in birthday parties, with both the children and adults indulging in an assortment of chocolates. In fact some believe that occasions are not required to gift chocolates and they could be used to express one†™s feelings at any instance. In order to cater to the needs of the changing world, chocolates are being produced in wide ranges with various tastes, designs, sizes, shapes and color. While chocolates are devoured for its taste and aroma, research is also carried out to determine the health benefits of chocolates. Harvard University studies have revealed that chocolates are indeed god for health especially the dark chocolates which when taken in small portions helps to improve blood flow in older adults and can also help to control blood sugar levels by improving sensitivity to insulin. Thus its benefits to the heart and in controlling fat and carbohydrate metabolic disorders have been ascertained. This has brought about a huge relief to chocolate lovers, who can now indulge in chocolates without feeling guilty. Thus chocolates are the most in demand gift items world wide and the website provides all the information about chocolate products from different part of the world. Details about chocolates store websites and additionally information about flowers and flower websites can also be gleaned from this site. This is the ultimate site to browse for chocolate and other related gifts. Log on to and get enticed in the complete chocolate experience.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Robert Frost

In the first poem, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, Frost vividly describes a freedom that many of us take for granted. He tells how he has decided to take the time to stop what he is doing and admire the snow as it falls in the woods and on a frozen lake. The man who owns these woods lives in the town and is ignorant of the beauty that they contain. He has not taken the time to notice how beautiful they are as the snow comes down. The owner of the woods, we’ll call him Bob, lives in the town and is busy living his life in the town. Bob will not notice because he takes for granted the fact that he is able to go look at the woods much like the author. â€Å"Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village, though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow.† The persona is saying that he knows who owns the woods, but he won’t see him looking at the woods because he lives in the town. The author knows that B ob will not visit because he only owns the woods, he lives in the town and does not appreciate the beauty they possess or he would be there visiting them himself. The author is appreciating life and the freedom that he has while observing his own winter or the last stanza of his life as he watches the woods as they fill will snow. It is clear that the author (the persona of the poem) has chosen a life different from that of Bob. Bob has chosen the city life of materialistic things while the author has decided to take in the beauty of the world. His life has reached its winter, it’s end, and he is stopping â€Å"To watch the woods fill up with snow,† perhaps for the last time. He understands that he may not have much time left and he want to get as much as he can out of his life. He wants to see all the beauty that exists, whether it is in the woods or elsewhere. The mere simplicity of this peaceful scene brings him joy. However, the man who lives in the village doe... Free Essays on Robert Frost Free Essays on Robert Frost In the first poem, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, Frost vividly describes a freedom that many of us take for granted. He tells how he has decided to take the time to stop what he is doing and admire the snow as it falls in the woods and on a frozen lake. The man who owns these woods lives in the town and is ignorant of the beauty that they contain. He has not taken the time to notice how beautiful they are as the snow comes down. The owner of the woods, we’ll call him Bob, lives in the town and is busy living his life in the town. Bob will not notice because he takes for granted the fact that he is able to go look at the woods much like the author. â€Å"Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village, though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow.† The persona is saying that he knows who owns the woods, but he won’t see him looking at the woods because he lives in the town. The author knows that B ob will not visit because he only owns the woods, he lives in the town and does not appreciate the beauty they possess or he would be there visiting them himself. The author is appreciating life and the freedom that he has while observing his own winter or the last stanza of his life as he watches the woods as they fill will snow. It is clear that the author (the persona of the poem) has chosen a life different from that of Bob. Bob has chosen the city life of materialistic things while the author has decided to take in the beauty of the world. His life has reached its winter, it’s end, and he is stopping â€Å"To watch the woods fill up with snow,† perhaps for the last time. He understands that he may not have much time left and he want to get as much as he can out of his life. He wants to see all the beauty that exists, whether it is in the woods or elsewhere. The mere simplicity of this peaceful scene brings him joy. However, the man who lives in the village doe... Free Essays on Robert Frost Robert Frost Overview Robert Frost is considered one of the â€Å"most popular American poets of his time.† He won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry four times. Congress also voted him a gold medal, in â€Å"recognition of his poetry, which has enriched the culture of the United States and the philosophy of the world† (Costello 543). The poem â€Å"Birches† was first published in 1915 (Thomason 18). In Robert Frost’s â€Å"Birches,† the theme of reality vs. imagination is discovered through images of bent birches, symbolism of a boy swinging the trees, and the tone of words used. The conflict of reality vs. imagination is explored through images of bent birches. Reality is depicted as birches bending and cracking after a freezing rain from the ice that was left behind. Frost let’s the reader know that this is reality in lines 3-4: â€Å"I like to think some boy’s been swinging them. But swinging doesn’t bend them down to stay.† He tells the reader the real reason of what bent the birches in line 5 when he states â€Å"Ice-storms do that.† In the next six lines, Erica Smith notes, â€Å"we are inclined to view the ice storm negatively because Frost has used it to refute his hoped-for explanation in line three† (Smith 20). A couple of lines later Frost gives us an insight into how reality is: They are dragged to the withered bracken by the load And they seem not to break; though once they are bowed So low for long, they never right themselves. The birches are dragged to the floor and they don’t break. The situation is that after they are kept down for a long time they can never be straight again. They are permanently stuck in this â€Å"bowed† position. We can compare these three lines to our lives because reality is that although we have problems we don’t â€Å"break† or fall apart every time a problem arises. There is a point in lines fifteen and sixteen because when we have a huge problem that makes a big impact ... Free Essays on Robert Frost â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening† Robert Frost’s poem â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening† is an excellent example of one of his darker pieces of writing. However, it can be examined in a positive as well as negative light. One can interpret the poem not only by considering the meaning of the words Frost uses in a literal sense but also by considering them as symbols. Whether considering the literal meaning or even the symbolic significance, each stanza seems to be responsible for delivering vital information as the poem develops. In â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening†, Robert Frost’s wording interpreted literally is the positive breakdown of the poem whereas deciphering the verbiage as symbols of his dark feelings is the negative analysis. Initially, the poem may convey more transcendental ideals and thus appearing to be understood on a literal level the positive side. In the first stanza, Frost is setting the scene and the mood by expressing the isolated local during a break in the travelers arduous journey; it is key to understand that this man does not want to be disturbed since he contentedly states, â€Å"He will not see me stopping here† (line 3). He stopped there to simply take a break and â€Å"To watch the woods fill up with snow† (line 4). The process of snow filling a wooded area is a time consuming event, therefore one is left to assume that the traveler is an avid admirer of this natural occurrence and would be content viewing the event in it’s entirety. It is also possible to consider the usage of words â€Å"fill up† as sending a positive feeling; possibly to be filled up in the sense that there is an abundance of love, joy or happiness in his life. Nevertheless, from the first verse, one may deduce that Frost’s message in the poem is going to be a positive one about the awe and beauty of nature. In the following verses, through the horse by his side, there is a humorous yet const... Free Essays on Robert Frost In the first poem, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, Frost vividly describes a freedom that many of us take for granted. He tells how he has decided to take the time to stop what he is doing and admire the snow as it falls in the woods and on a frozen lake. The man who owns these woods lives in the town and is ignorant of the beauty that they contain. He has not taken the time to notice how beautiful they are as the snow comes down. The owner of the woods, we’ll call him Bob, lives in the town and is busy living his life in the town. Bob will not notice because he takes for granted the fact that he is able to go look at the woods much like the author. â€Å"Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village, though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow.† The persona is saying that he knows who owns the woods, but he won’t see him looking at the woods because he lives in the town. The author knows that B ob will not visit because he only owns the woods, he lives in the town and does not appreciate the beauty they possess or he would be there visiting them himself. The author is appreciating life and the freedom that he has while observing his own winter or the last stanza of his life as he watches the woods as they fill will snow. It is clear that the author (the persona of the poem) has chosen a life different from that of Bob. Bob has chosen the city life of materialistic things while the author has decided to take in the beauty of the world. His life has reached its winter, it’s end, and he is stopping â€Å"To watch the woods fill up with snow,† perhaps for the last time. He understands that he may not have much time left and he want to get as much as he can out of his life. He wants to see all the beauty that exists, whether it is in the woods or elsewhere. The mere simplicity of this peaceful scene brings him joy. However, the man who lives in the village doe... Free Essays on Robert Frost A comparison of Robert Frost’s â€Å"Fire and Ice† and William Butler Yeats’s â€Å"The Second Coming† The purpose of this paper is to give equal illumination to two poems that contain a similar theme. That theme is the end of the world. They both depict the end of the world, but in very different ways. Frost depicts the end of the world as either being of fire or of ice. On the other hand Yeats depicts the end of the world as utter chaos and destruction. Therefore the two poems are similar in the end of the world theme but differ in the way the world ends. In Robert Frost’s poem â€Å"Fire and Ice†, Frost describes the end of the world as either being fire or ice. He says that he does not care which way the world ends because he has seen both in his life. As he puts it â€Å"from what I have tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire†(3-4). What he is saying is that he does not fear dying in fire because fire is equated with desire. He feels that dying in desire is not too bad of a way to die. As most people now when something is done with desire there is always a â€Å"fire† that is burning inside. Also in â€Å"Fire and Ice† Frost says that â€Å"but if I had to die twice I think I know enough of hate to say that for destruction ice is also great and would suffice† (5-9). What Frost is saying with this part of the poem is that if he could die twice he then choose the ice because he knows the hate that ice is equated with. When someone feels hate there is a general feeling of coldness or â€Å"Ice†. Frost is saying that he could stand dying through the coldness of hate. On the other end is William Butler Yeats’s poem â€Å"The Second Coming†. In this poem Yeats portrays the end of the world as a time of chaos and anarchy. The line â€Å"things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; mere anarchy is loosed upon the world†(4-5), sums up that his vision is that the world is going to begin to crumble and nothing will be left but ... Free Essays on Robert Frost A comparison of Robert Frost’s â€Å"Fire and Ice† and William Butler Yeats’s â€Å"The Second Coming† The purpose of this paper is to give equal illumination to two poems that contain a similar theme. That theme is the end of the world. They both depict the end of the world, but in very different ways. Frost depicts the end of the world as either being of fire or of ice. On the other hand Yeats depicts the end of the world as utter chaos and destruction. Therefore the two poems are similar in the end of the world theme but differ in the way the world ends. In Robert Frost’s poem â€Å"Fire and Ice†, Frost describes the end of the world as either being fire or ice. He says that he does not care which way the world ends because he has seen both in his life. As he puts it â€Å"from what I have tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire†(3-4). What he is saying is that he does not fear dying in fire because fire is equated with desire. He feels that dying in desire is not too bad of a way to die. As most people now when something is done with desire there is always a â€Å"fire† that is burning inside. Also in â€Å"Fire and Ice† Frost says that â€Å"but if I had to die twice I think I know enough of hate to say that for destruction ice is also great and would suffice† (5-9). What Frost is saying with this part of the poem is that if he could die twice he then choose the ice because he knows the hate that ice is equated with. When someone feels hate there is a general feeling of coldness or â€Å"Ice†. Frost is saying that he could stand dying through the coldness of hate. On the other end is William Butler Yeats’s poem â€Å"The Second Coming†. In this poem Yeats portrays the end of the world as a time of chaos and anarchy. The line â€Å"things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; mere anarchy is loosed upon the world†(4-5), sums up that his vision is that the world is going to begin to crumble and nothing will be left but ... Free Essays on Robert Frost In the first poem, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, Frost vividly describes a freedom that many of us take for granted. He tells how he has decided to take the time to stop what he is doing and admire the snow as it falls in the woods and on a frozen lake. The man who owns these woods lives in the town and is ignorant of the beauty that they contain. He has not taken the time to notice how beautiful they are as the snow comes down. The owner of the woods, we’ll call him Bob, lives in the town and is busy living his life in the town. Bob will not notice because he takes for granted the fact that he is able to go look at the woods much like the author. â€Å"Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village, though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow.† The persona is saying that he knows who owns the woods, but he won’t see him looking at the woods because he lives in the town. The author knows that B ob will not visit because he only owns the woods, he lives in the town and does not appreciate the beauty they possess or he would be there visiting them himself. The author is appreciating life and the freedom that he has while observing his own winter or the last stanza of his life as he watches the woods as they fill will snow. It is clear that the author (the persona of the poem) has chosen a life different from that of Bob. Bob has chosen the city life of materialistic things while the author has decided to take in the beauty of the world. His life has reached its winter, it’s end, and he is stopping â€Å"To watch the woods fill up with snow,† perhaps for the last time. He understands that he may not have much time left and he want to get as much as he can out of his life. He wants to see all the beauty that exists, whether it is in the woods or elsewhere. The mere simplicity of this peaceful scene brings him joy. However, the man who lives in the village doe... Free Essays on Robert Frost In the first poem, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, Frost vividly describes a freedom that many of us take for granted. He tells how he has decided to take the time to stop what he is doing and admire the snow as it falls in the woods and on a frozen lake. The man who owns these woods lives in the town and is ignorant of the beauty that they contain. He has not taken the time to notice how beautiful they are as the snow comes down. The owner of the woods, we’ll call him Bob, lives in the town and is busy living his life in the town. Bob will not notice because he takes for granted the fact that he is able to go look at the woods much like the author. â€Å"Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village, though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow.† The persona is saying that he knows who owns the woods, but he won’t see him looking at the woods because he lives in the town. The author knows that B ob will not visit because he only owns the woods, he lives in the town and does not appreciate the beauty they possess or he would be there visiting them himself. The author is appreciating life and the freedom that he has while observing his own winter or the last stanza of his life as he watches the woods as they fill will snow. It is clear that the author (the persona of the poem) has chosen a life different from that of Bob. Bob has chosen the city life of materialistic things while the author has decided to take in the beauty of the world. His life has reached its winter, it’s end, and he is stopping â€Å"To watch the woods fill up with snow,† perhaps for the last time. He understands that he may not have much time left and he want to get as much as he can out of his life. He wants to see all the beauty that exists, whether it is in the woods or elsewhere. The mere simplicity of this peaceful scene brings him joy. However, the man who lives in the village doe... Free Essays on Robert Frost â€Å"Home Burial† describes a man and his wife dealing with a death in the family. Specifically, the death is that of a small child. The man proposes getting over the death quickly and not dwelling on it, while his wife continues to mourn and question. The man just can’t seem to understand that his wife can’t simply move on after the child’s death. His wife refuses to talk to her husband about what she is feeling and he resents that fact and wants her to talk with him. â€Å"’Don’t- don’t go. Don’t carry it to someone else this time. Tell me about it if it’s something human. Let me into your grief’† (Home Burial, 29). Frost shows a man afraid to let his wife go. He is afraid that she will leave and find someone else to talk to about this while he wants to be the person she turns to. He has so much trouble saying this, though, that his wife almost walks out the door. He has to let his old self di e and be vulnerable to his new self which wants to show his wife how much he loves her and cares for her. â€Å"’I do think, though, you overdo it a little. What was it brought you up to think it the thing to take your mother-loss of a first child so inconsolably- in the face of love. You’ think his memory might be satisfied- ‘† (Home Burial, 29). As much as the man wants to change and as much as he wants his wife to know that he cares for her he still can’t let his old self die off completely. His son has died and he can’t stop telling his wife to quit mourning. He doesn’t see any purpose in it and therefore doesn’t want his wife to do it either. â€Å"’You could sit there with the stains on your shoes of the fresh earth from your own baby’s grave and talk about your everyday concerns’ . . . ‘Three foggy mornings and one rainy day will rot the best birch fence a man can build’† (H ome Burial, 30). This man’s son has died and he has just finished burying him in the back yard. He come...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Definition of Deliberative Rhetoric

Definition of Deliberative Rhetoric Deliberative rhetoric (from the Greek- rhetor: orator,  tekhne: art), also known as  legislative rhetoric  or  deliberative discourse,  is  speech or writing that attempts to persuade  an audience to take- or not take- some action.  According to Aristotle, the  deliberative  is  one of the three major branches of  rhetoric. (The other two branches are judicial  and epideictic.)   Whereas judicial  (or forensic) rhetoric is primarily concerned with past events, deliberative discourse, says Aristotle, always advises about things to come. Political oratory and debate fall under the category of deliberative rhetoric.​ Deliberative Rhetoric Deliberative rhetoric, says A.O. Rorty, is directed to those who must decide on a course of action (members of the assembly, for instance), and is typically concerned with what will turn out to be useful (sumpheron) or harmful (blaberon) as means to achieve specific ends  in matters of defense, war and peace, trade, and legislation (The Directions of Aristotles Rhetoric in  Aristotle: Politics, Rhetoric and Aesthetics,  1999). Use of Deliberative Rhetoric    ArgumentArtistic Proofs and Inartistic ProofsThe Art of PersuasionExhortation Aristotle on Deliberative Rhetoric    [In Aristotles Rhetoric,] the deliberative rhetor must exhort or persuade his audience, his speech is addressed to a judge of the future, and its end is to promote the good and avoid the harmful. Deliberative rhetoric concerns contingencies within human control. The deliberative orator addresses topics such as war and peace, national defense, trade, and legislation, in order to assess what is harmful and beneficial. Accordingly, he must grasp the relationships between various means and the ends of experience and happiness. (Ruth CA Higgins, The Empty Eloquence of Fools: Rhetoric in Classical Greece. Rediscovering Rhetoric: Law, Language, and the Practice of Persuasion, ed. by Justin T. Gleeson and Ruth Higgins. Federation Press, 2008)     Deliberative rhetoric is  concerned with future events; its action is exhortation or dissuasion...Deliberative rhetoric is about expediency, that is, it is concerned with the means to happiness rather than with what happiness actually is; the special topics which inform debate about this represent what can be described as the Good, with what brings happiness.  (Jennifer Richards, Rhetoric. Routledge, 2008)   Deliberative Argument as Performance A good deliberative argument is a carefully timed performance. Unlike a work of exposition, which allows, indeed often invites, the reader to pause and study some part of it at his leisure, a deliberative argument gives the illusion of a controlled, generally increasing momentum, and its effect can be ruined by an interruption. The speaker uses every possible means to jog our attention- exclamations, apostrophes, questions, gestures- and to spur us ever forward, not only with series of tapered expressions but also by means of stimulating suspensions...Our speakers purpose is not so much to induce or enable us to remember the parts of his argument as to inspire us to cast a favorable vote when hands are to be counted: movere  [to move] rather than docere [to teach]. (Huntington Brown, Prose Styles: Five Primary Types. University  of Minnesota Press, 1966) The Primary Appeals of Deliberative Discourse All deliberative discourses are concerned with what we should choose or what we should avoid...Are there some common denominators among the appeals that we use when we are engaged in exhorting someone to do or not to do something, to accept or to reject a particular view of things? There are indeed. When we are trying to persuade people to do something, we try to show them that what we want them to do is either good or advantageous. All of our appeals in this kind of discourse  can be reduced to these two heads: (1) the worthy (dignitas) or the good (bonum) and (2) the advantageous or expedient or useful (utilitas)... Whether we lean heaviest on the topic of the worthy or the topic of the advantageous will depend largely on two considerations: (1) the nature of our subject, (2) the nature of our audience. It should be obvious that some things are intrinsically more worthy than others.(Edward P.J. Corbett and Robert J. Connors, Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student, 4th ed. Oxford University Press, 1999) Pronunciation: di-LIB-er-a-tiv

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Social Work Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Social Work Practice - Essay Example Ethical practices on the other hand are values that offer a community organization directives for action gotten from the desired outcomes (Dolgoff, et al, 2008). Ethical practices most often are activities that pertain to clinical work with individuals. It is however important to regards ethical practices as helpful to a community organization in it struggle for social justice. Looked at carefully, there is no doubt that there exist an ethical dilemma regarding the silence among the workers on the best intervention to solve the escalating problem of homeless in the community. In this regard, I am referring to the community indifference on the problem of homeless, a situation that should not persist in the first place because there is already a community organization operating in the area. It is particularly disgusting that community members have decided to look the other way to a community problem instead of confronting it head-on as is supposed to be the case. In looking at this ethical dilemma, I have decided to first identify the ethical principle defining the dilemma I am faced with using the Loewenberg and Dolgoff’s ethical principle screen. In doing so, I have identified two ethical principles in the Loewenberg and Dolgoff’s ethical principle screen namely; ethical principles of the protection of life, equality and inequality, and a dec ent quality of life. From the case there is no doubt that a problem of exclusivity exists in this organization. This exclusivity has taken the shape of racism that in all intent and purposes in dangerous to the organization, especially bearing in mind that this organization serves people of different races. There is no doubt that I am new in the organization and not even fully and permanently employed and therefore my ideas and suggestion might be b e taken with a degree of contempt. It is also not in doubt that the workforce as is currently constituted is unlikely to appreciate and accommodate some

Friday, October 18, 2019

Mary Barnett case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Mary Barnett case - Essay Example While analyzing the testimony of Caroline Hospers, it may consider that Mary Barnett was a frequent drinker and she was not a fit mother. It is also identified that Barnett lives without a husband and she had wild parties in her apartment. However, Hospers’ testimony that Barnett had gone to California ‘just to party and have a good time’ is her speculation only (Chaffee, â€Å"thinking critically†). This statement clearly indicates that Hospers’ is not in good touch with Barnett, and therefore her testimony might be biased. Therefore, Hospers’ claim that ‘the baby was not taken care of properly’ might also be a speculation. From the policeman’s testimony, it is pretty clear that Barnett was absolutely conscious of what she was going to do. She admitted to the policeman that she was aware of the fact that she was leaving her baby unattended in the apartment and she would not be coming back soon She also said that she had to get to California at all costs. Hence, it can be assumed that getting to California immediately was the first priority of Barnett and she decided to leave her baby in the apartment for a while. Although Barnett had visited her mother before she left the city, she did not try to ensure that her mother would look after little Alison. In the professional view of Dr. Parker, Barnett is competent to stand trial because her current depression and anxiety problems were induced by the guilt she feels for what she did. Dr. Parker undoubtedly states that Barnett ‘was mentally competent on January 23, when she left her child unattended’. There is no need to suspect the testimony of Dr. Parker because he is an experienced professional psychiatrist who has been involved in many judicial hearings to comment on the mental competency of the defendant. Alice Jones’ testimony reflects that Barnett had been suffering from many life difficulties since the birth of Alison. She adds that Barnett had increasingly depended on

Project 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Project 2 - Essay Example Therefore in order to save the ecology of our environment it’s essential to keep a limit on the deforestation operations, even if it leads to losses for the business and corporate sector. Deforestation Deforestation takes place when a large area of the forest is cleared for the purpose of construction of new residential buildings, industrial hubs or for other business purposes. Once the area gets deforested, trees are never re-planted. This results in gradual reduction of forests which has now become an important global issue. If the current rate of deforestation is continued, the world’s rain forests would completely disappear within hundred years. One of the major reasons of deforestation is agriculture. The second most accepted reason includes the logging operation that supplies the wood and paper to the whole world. Rapid urbanization and increased number of constructions can be regarded as the third most logical reason of deforestation. The other minor reasons incl ude wildfires and overgrazing. The effects of deforestation can have various negative effects on the society. The most crucial one is the loss of habitat for innumerable species. Data says that around 70% of the earth’s animals and birds live in forests, which won’t be able to survive when deforestation would take place. Deforestation also causes climatic changes giving rise to soil erosion, decrease in rainfall and temperature swings. Also trees are known for absorbing greenhouse gases that supports global warming. Fewer trees means huge amount of greenhouse gases entering the environment which in turn fuels the severity and magnitude of global warming. Solution to deforestation The secondary research techniques have been used for finding the solution to the problem of deforestation. These types of data are collected from research conducted by other people or organizations. The World Wide Fund for nature (WWF) has started forest conservation approach that aims toward preventing deforestation starting from the rainforests to the temperate forests. They had already started their work towards the protection of forests half a century back and now they have proudly announced the accomplishment of their efforts towards the conservation of the ecosystem. The fastest and simplest solution to deforestation would refer to simply restrict the cutting down of trees. However implementing this solution needs a more organized approach. We can opt for a careful management of the forest resources by the elimination of clear-cutting to ensure that the environment of the forest remains intact. It’s evident from the rate of deforestation that cutting down of forests is unavoidable for the survival and growth of humans. Therefore the solution should try to balance the rate of cutting trees and the rate of planting new ones. Although this solution would start to replenish the loss of forest in recent years, we need to plant more and more trees for settling the damage caused in the past. If we look closely towards our environment, we will find that not only deforestation but also several other factors causes the imbalance of the biodiversity. In our day to day life, we can contribute towards the safety of our eco-system by taking little measures like planting and maintaining trees, avoiding unnecessary usage of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Battle of Leipzig Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Battle of Leipzig - Research Paper Example It was the largest armed conflict in history during that time, a conflict which eventually led to the downfall of Napoleon. It highlights a significant point in Napoleon’s plans to take over Europe, a plan which would was later prevented by the united efforts of the European nations. This paper shall now discuss and analyze the Battle of Leipzig based on the nine principles of war which include unity of command, surprise, security, simplicity, objective, offensive, mass, economy of force, and maneuver. These principles shall be used to establish their manner of application in the battle, including the consequences of these applications. Body When the Russian army as well as the harsh winter caused Napoleon’s defeat in 1812, the Europeans felt that peace would soon be seen in their lands after almost a decade of persistent warfare2. However, Napoleon was persistent in his efforts at warfare. When Napoleon returned to France from Russia, he quickly rebuilt and strengthene d his army, even recruiting teenagers and young men. Veterans filled in and strengthened the military ranks. In the early months of 1813, he advanced towards Germany, planning to vanquish each military unit in the region, and recruit the survivors3. On the other hand, Europe’s leaders were wary about entering alliances with each other because they considered each other to be either current or future enemies. Karl von Metternich, the foreign minister of Austria believed that he would not be able to successfully fend off France and its military strength. He then started to call for a coalition of nations against Napoleon. Finally, Prussia, Russia, Sweden, Great Britain, and other smaller European nations agreed to form an alliance with Austria to fight their common enemy. Napoleon discounted such alliance and surged on towards Germany4. He was able to win some of the initial skirmishes; however, he later realized that his new army and troops were not as experienced as the ones which fought in the battle in Russia. When he found out that troops were advancing on him from all directions, he negotiated a truce on the 4th of June, 1813, meeting with Metternich in order to establish a cordial agreement on the dispute. However, even with the favorable options given to him, Napoleon refused to accept the terms of the truce5. While negotiations were taking place, reinforcements were added for both sides; in August, the truce ended and war commenced yet again. The Allied forces persisted in driving Napoleon out of their territories; and Napoleon’s forces steadily grew exhausted6. Another offensive by the Allied forces was launched in September, with France winning several small skirmishes, but the French were driven back to Leipzig by October. Napoleon had about 170,000 troops covering the town, but the Allied forces outnumbered them. On October 13, 1813, Napoleon later left a portion of his army in the north to battle the Prussians and to attempt to break Russian and Austrian forces in the south. By nightfall, no major gains by any of the combatants were gained7. The armed conflict raged on for days and Napoleon could not cope with the larger Allied troops; and the odds against him was exacerbated when the Swedish Army joined the Allied forces. Napoleon tried to negotiate another truce, but was rebuffed by the Allied forces. Napoleon and his troops started to withdraw westward by crossing the Elster Bridge through a stone bridge. This stone bridge soon proved to be the downfall of many of Napoleon’s troops as many of them died while crossing and defending the bridge8. Napoleon retreated as a defeated general to Paris, leaving behind about 60,000 troops dead, wounded, or captured by the Allied f

Chemical Dependency Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Chemical Dependency - Research Paper Example In 2009, people between 18 and 25 had the highest levels of drug use; 21.2 percent, which is driven by the increased consumption of marijuana. Forty-two percent of those between 18 and 25; 36.3 percent among the adults between 26 and34 and among 19.2 percent of those beyond 35 years reported to be binge drinkers (UDHHS, 2010). Among the adults that were dependent on alcohol consumption, the consumption medical drugs without prescription and the use of illicit drugs was higher. Determinants of substance Abuse Different biological, environmental, social, genetic and psychological factors are linked to the increasing levels of substance abuse. The factors determining alcohol consumption include race, gender, age, ethnicity, income levels, sexual orientation and educational attainment (CDC, 2011). The abuse of drugs and other substances is strongly determined by household, interpersonal and community dynamics (CDC, 2011). Among the major influencers of drug and substance abuse are social networks, family and peer pressure, especially among adolescents. For example, different studies show that marijuana consumption was triggered by interacting with siblings and friends that take them. The in-depth understanding of these factors will form key areas in countering drug and substance abuse in America as well as elsewhere (Galea, Nandi & Vlahov, 2004). Indirect and direct financial costs Drug abuse is a principle public health problem, which impacts the society at multiple levels. Directly or indirectly, all human communities are affected by drug use and abuse, particularly at the family level. Approximate costs of substance abuse for the US Source: (NIDA, n.d) Substance abuse costs USD 484 billion every year. These figures compare, to a large extent, to the costs incurred during the fight to deal with chronic diseases. Diabetes costs USD 131.7 and Cancer takes about USD 171.6 billion in a year (NIDA, N.D). Drug abuse as major cause for the public health problems America ns view drug abuse as a principal cause of health problems. For example, tobacco contributes about 11-30 percent of cancer deaths (NIDA, n.d). The abuse of tobacco, MDMA, cocaine, steroids and amphetamines contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease. Tobacco contributes about 30 percent of heart disease cases every year. In relation with the increasing spread of HIV/AIDS, 30.3 percent of the infection rates reported in 2000 (11,635) and hepatitis infections resulted from injection drug consumption. About 50 percent of the AIDS cases among children (4700 in 2002) were reportedly caused by the use of injection drug administration by the mother, or through sexual intercourse between the mother and a person infected through the channel (NIDA, n.d). Other indirect costs of substance abuse include drugged drinking, which constitutes between 10 and 22 percent of road crashes; violence, where among the people arrested for crimes like assault, theft and homicide, many were under the influence of illicit substances during the time of crime and arrest. Substance abuse is related to the acquisition of different consequences, including injuries, illness, and death – particularly following the consumption of alcohol, tobacco or other addictive drugs. During 2000, about 460,000 deaths could be traced to smoking and the abuse of drugs (NIDA, n.d). Psychological and physical

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Battle of Leipzig Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Battle of Leipzig - Research Paper Example It was the largest armed conflict in history during that time, a conflict which eventually led to the downfall of Napoleon. It highlights a significant point in Napoleon’s plans to take over Europe, a plan which would was later prevented by the united efforts of the European nations. This paper shall now discuss and analyze the Battle of Leipzig based on the nine principles of war which include unity of command, surprise, security, simplicity, objective, offensive, mass, economy of force, and maneuver. These principles shall be used to establish their manner of application in the battle, including the consequences of these applications. Body When the Russian army as well as the harsh winter caused Napoleon’s defeat in 1812, the Europeans felt that peace would soon be seen in their lands after almost a decade of persistent warfare2. However, Napoleon was persistent in his efforts at warfare. When Napoleon returned to France from Russia, he quickly rebuilt and strengthene d his army, even recruiting teenagers and young men. Veterans filled in and strengthened the military ranks. In the early months of 1813, he advanced towards Germany, planning to vanquish each military unit in the region, and recruit the survivors3. On the other hand, Europe’s leaders were wary about entering alliances with each other because they considered each other to be either current or future enemies. Karl von Metternich, the foreign minister of Austria believed that he would not be able to successfully fend off France and its military strength. He then started to call for a coalition of nations against Napoleon. Finally, Prussia, Russia, Sweden, Great Britain, and other smaller European nations agreed to form an alliance with Austria to fight their common enemy. Napoleon discounted such alliance and surged on towards Germany4. He was able to win some of the initial skirmishes; however, he later realized that his new army and troops were not as experienced as the ones which fought in the battle in Russia. When he found out that troops were advancing on him from all directions, he negotiated a truce on the 4th of June, 1813, meeting with Metternich in order to establish a cordial agreement on the dispute. However, even with the favorable options given to him, Napoleon refused to accept the terms of the truce5. While negotiations were taking place, reinforcements were added for both sides; in August, the truce ended and war commenced yet again. The Allied forces persisted in driving Napoleon out of their territories; and Napoleon’s forces steadily grew exhausted6. Another offensive by the Allied forces was launched in September, with France winning several small skirmishes, but the French were driven back to Leipzig by October. Napoleon had about 170,000 troops covering the town, but the Allied forces outnumbered them. On October 13, 1813, Napoleon later left a portion of his army in the north to battle the Prussians and to attempt to break Russian and Austrian forces in the south. By nightfall, no major gains by any of the combatants were gained7. The armed conflict raged on for days and Napoleon could not cope with the larger Allied troops; and the odds against him was exacerbated when the Swedish Army joined the Allied forces. Napoleon tried to negotiate another truce, but was rebuffed by the Allied forces. Napoleon and his troops started to withdraw westward by crossing the Elster Bridge through a stone bridge. This stone bridge soon proved to be the downfall of many of Napoleon’s troops as many of them died while crossing and defending the bridge8. Napoleon retreated as a defeated general to Paris, leaving behind about 60,000 troops dead, wounded, or captured by the Allied f

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Dont blame Wal-Mart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dont blame Wal-Mart - Essay Example The threat of millions of American shoppers to Wal-Mart is another issue, which is discussed in details in the Reich's essay. Reich in his essay has not only highlighted problems, but he also suggests solutions. No doubt honest living is everyone's right and we can see the same case in this crisis. Both, the workers of Wal-Mart and other shoppers need an honorable livelihood. The main problem is not that both sides like different things. The problem is that both sides do not have the complete picture. I also like the convenience that a one-stop shopping place like Wal-Mart offers me. Six days a week, I work like a slave, but on the day I shop at Wal-Mart, I feel like the Queen! I love their service with a smile and their clean stores. Most of all, searching for bargains and seeing so many beautiful things give me pure joy. I cannot buy everything I like, but seeing those colorful items on display gives me something to look forward to, something to save for, a future treat to savor for myself, my kids, or for our home. A few hours shopping at Wal-Mart helps me rest and forget the many troubles in life. Walking through the shopping aisles of Wal-Mart is like a relaxing walk in the park, and this is what I want to continue enjoying, at least once a week. The essay made me think of how we can strike

Monday, October 14, 2019

War on terror Essay Example for Free

War on terror Essay The statement, â€Å"One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter,† has become a great obstacle in war on terror. In the struggle against terrorism, the problem of definition is a crucial element in the attempt to coordinate international collaboration, based on the currently accepted rules of traditional warfare. Due to that reason the herein literature review includes a work which deals with the legal issues related to terrorism. The relevance of works related to the direct war on terror to this review is obvious. In particular this review includes the works dedicated to the general outline and principals of the study of terrorist organizations as well as works dealing with the study of financial activity of terrorist organizations. The first work under review is the book Terrorism and Organized Hate Crime: Intelligence Gathering, Analysis, and Investigations by Michael R. Mpa Ronczkowski. (2004) Material in this book can provide personnel of different services with an understanding and approach for gathering intelligence and conducting analysis on terrorism-related matters. For me personally this work is valuable due to its clear classification of terror activity. The author distinguishes the following types of terrorists’ activity: Political terrorism, Ecological terrorism, Agricultural terrorism, Narco terrorism, Biological terrorism, and Cyber terrorism. Besides the author defines and presents the peculiarities of each of the type. The important element of the work is that it describes the history and roots of modern terrorism. The book is also distinguished by the wide scope it covers, it doesn’t limit only to the terrorism in the Asia but also deals with domestic terrorism. In case with the USA the author claims that evolution of domestic terrorism, organized groups such as gangs and crime families have a long-standing presence in the U. S. The genesis of domestic terrorism lays in hate. And finally the author suggests the way to distinguish common criminal actions from terror. The criminal group with clear hierarchal structure is a distinguishing feature of terrorism. The article Terrorism, Counterterrorism and International Law examines terrorism and counterterrorism from the point of view of international law. The work highlights the legal vagueness of the notion of terrorism. Thus this work continues an issue discussed in the previous work. The author poses the two disputable questions one in the context of Israel/Palestine: â€Å"Israelis call suicide bombers a terrorist Palestinians call them a martyr. Who is right? † and another one â€Å"Why is the attack on the Twin Towers called terrorism, while the bombing of a hospital in Kabul is not? † International law appears to be unable to give a clear response to these questions. Nevertheless, the author observes that according to the up-to-date situation with international law in certain cases it can identify terrorism. So, the taking of a hostage for the purpose of obtaining the liberation of a political prisoner fits the definition of a terrorist act. The same crime committed solely for the payment of ransom does not. The hijacking of the four planes on September 11 was a megaterrorist act. It is questionable; however, whether the hijacking of a plane bound for Florida to enable the hijacker to land in Cuba fits the general view of terrorism. The search for appropriate methods of fighting terrorism must necessarily include the understanding of the motives that guide the terrorists in their actions. The article Understanding, Responding to and Preventing Terrorism makes an attempt to explain the roots for the terrorism directed at the United States, and the rage that fuelled the attackers on September 11. The author defines the most significant among the reasons that cause such violent attitude towards American nation. Thus he points to the globalization of poverty, Washingtons continued support for Israels treatment of the Palestinians, U. S. bombing and sponsorship of the devastating economic sanctions against Iraq, and the alliance between the United States and Arab monarchies such as Saudi Arabia, where the U. S. maintains a significant military presence. Analysing causes of terror he differentiates certain types of terrorism such as individual terrorism; International State terrorism; State regime or Government terror and some others. However, the author does not focus solely on the faults of the nations that generate terrorist groups but claims the responsibility for the United States bombing of Afghanistan and Israels massacre of the Palestinians which violated international law as well as questions lawfulness of an invasion of Iraq. Finally, this work offers useful suggestions, in the context of international law, for creating peaceful alternatives to respond to terrorism and to deter it in the future. The next work under revision is the journal article State Terrorism and Globalization: The Cases of Ethiopia and Sudan by Asafa Jalata. The article scrutinizes the essence of state terrorism in Ethiopia and Sudan in regional and global contexts. Nowadays Ethiopian and Sudanese states have been formed, consolidated, and maintained by state terrorism and global connections. The Ethiopian state was created by the alliance of Abyssinian (Amhara-Tigray) dependent colonialism and European imperialism, and the Sudanese state by British colonialism known as the Anglo-Egyptian condominium. The work is significant by the study of historical background to the processes of state formation in the two countries. It also explores the global, regional, and local processes through which the modern Ethiopian and Sudanese states emerged. The examinations of connection between terrorism, globalism, and the process of racialization and ethnicization of state power may appear helpful for exploiting a rational means for fighting terrorism. Finally article is useful by its conclusion that in these two countries there can be no multicultural or multinational democracy, peace, stability, or development without removing the conditions that have facilitated external dependency and domestic terrorism. The September 11 attacks constitute a virtually unprecedented threat to security of the modern society and way of life. The attacks have thus evoked a natural demand both for retribution and for measures to keep people safe. The article The Death Penalty an Obstacle to the War against Terrorism? by Thomas Michael McDonnell deals with a fundamental question, namely, whether, as a matter of law and policy, the federal government should use the death penalty against those found to have been involved in the September 11 attacks, in particular, and, more broadly, against those who belong to or have allied themselves with al Qaeda. Meting out the death penalty to international terrorists involves difficult moral, legal, and policy questions. The September 11 crimes were not only domestic crimes, but also international ones. Yet most countries in the world have abolished capital punishment. None of the four currently operating international criminal tribunals is authorized to impose a death sentence. In addition, the advent of the suicide bomber turns the deterrence justification for the death penalty inside out. Might the death penalty help create martyrs rather than discourage similar attacks? Could the imposing the death penalty increase support in the Islamic world for al Qaeda and other extremist groups? These are the question the author raises in this work. The article examines these questions in the context of the Zacarias Moussaoui case, the supposed twentieth hijacker, who, on September 11, 2001, had been held in custody for twenty-six days. It mostly deals with criminal liability imposed not on the actual perpetrators, but on accomplices and co-conspirators, secondary rather than primary actors, discusses current American law and supports the idea of death penalty as one of possible way to prevent or at least impede terrorism. And the last work under consideration is the article by Zachary Abuza Funding Terrorism in Southeast Asia: The Financial Network of Al Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiya. The author here points out to one of the most influential factor that hinders the war on terrorism as a financing of terrorist organization. Thus he asserts that mechanisms for funding terrorism have continued unabated in Southeast Asia, and to date no terrorist assets or funds have been seized in the region. The knowledge of the financial aspects of terrorists’ activity may considerably accelerate the solution of this painful problem. For example, Al Qaedas financial basis was built on a foundation of charities, non-governmental organizations, mosques, websites, fund-raisers, intermediaries, facilitators, and banks and other financial institutions that helped finance the mujiheddin throughout the 1980s. This network extended to all corners of the Muslim world. The goal of counter-terrorism is to constrict the environment in which terrorists operate and their logistical and financial support networks is one of the most important elements of this environment. This will restrict terrorists’ means to travel, communicate, procure equipment and conduct attacks. This is, as the author suggests, arguably the most difficult part of the war on terror, as terrorist organizations use myriad ways to fund their operations, legal and illegal, overt and covert, with paper trails or without. He finally arrives to the conclusion that tracking this funding has to become a priority for law enforcement or counter-terrorist officials. To assist this investigation he provides with comprehensive account of the way such organizations like Jemaah Islamiya, Al Qaeda get financed. To conclude this critical bibliography I’d like to note that international law is still unable to give a well-defined, clear definition of terrorism. Thus basing only on the international law it is impossible to win the war on terrorism. This war demands the use of such notions as universal human values and justice which are considerably wider than any law and what is more at some circumstances contradict law. But only incorporation of human aspect into the legal process can help to defeat terrorism. Bibliography RONCZKOWSKI, Michael R. Mpa Terrorism and Organized Hate Crime: Intelligence Gathering, Analysis, and Investigations. Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, 2004. WEISS, Peter. Terrorism, Counterterrorism and International Law. Arab Studies Quarterly. : 2002: 11+ COHN, Marjorie. Understanding, Responding to and Preventing Terrorism. Arab Studies Quarterly. 2002: 25+ JALATA, Asafa. State Terrorism and Globalization: The Cases of Ethiopia and Sudan. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 46 (1-2): 2005: 79+ MCDONNELL, Thomas Michael. The Death Penalty an Obstacle to the War against Terrorism? Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 37 (2): 2004: 353+ ABUZA, Zachary. Funding Terrorism in Southeast Asia: The Financial Network of Al Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiya. Contemporary Southeast Asia. 25 (2): 2003: 169+ Retrieved April 04, 2006 from http://www. asiamedia. ucla. edu/article. asp? parentid=7520

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The China-US Economic Relationship

The China-US Economic Relationship China and the United States, as the two largest economy groups in todays world who own more than 30 percent of the worlds GDP, have the ability to decide and change the destiny of world economy. The United States has been dominating the worlds economy for a long time as the only superpower after World War II. It has the most powerful currency, US-dollar. The US dollar is the worlds main reserve currency and settlement currency. Most of the oil trading is done by USD, and USD is the only currency that links to gold. The worlds new-star of economy, China, rose since the ending of last century. China has surpassed Japan and become the second largest economy of the world in 2010, two years after its achievement of becoming the largest holder of U.S. debt in September 2008. It is now the largest goods producer of the world, and also a hypo-power in East Asia. The financial crisis last during last four years has proved that it is unsafe to let only one country determine how the world economy should go. China and the U.S. should be working together to ensure the stability of world economy. The relationship between the United States and China is strong, and they are all depending on each other. Chinese goods are demanding greatly by U.S. customers because of its low prices. As the result of the global financial crisis, the U.S. had to lower the value of its debt to due to the bad economy, but this also made the relationship between China and U.S. became unstable. Economists suggest that the relationship has contributed a lot to both countries. In 2010, the U.S. goods trade relation with China hit a record high of $273.1 billion. (Roya and Christopher) China as a large but not well-developed country, while rich in labor and resource but lack of capital and the technological capacity, seeks foreign investment and technologies to help its development. US have the most advanced technologies in the world and a large capital flow in the market. The US and China was naturally a perfect match. US can provide the financial and tech support in exchange for Chinas cheap products and resources. Both sides have benefited in this arrangement. For China, the benefit is not only in the direct investments made by American companies and firms, but also in the massive amount of daily products that are sold to most American people. The growth of Chinas economy is majorly from exporting. For Chinas rising in last thirty years, it is fair to say that the U.S. has played an important role and contributed a lot through trade. From 3% in 1990, the imports from China has grown dramatically for the U.S., 19.1% of U.S. imports in 2010 were from China. And automatically, China became indispensable as an import source for the U.S, from eighth in 1990, to fourth in 2000, to second in 2004-2006, and then to the first in 2007-2012 (Morrison). Chinese trade has grown tremendously, from $20.6 billion and 0.8% of the world total in 1978 to $2.97 trillion and about 7.8% in 2010. Compare to Germany, Japan, and the United States, China has huge advantages on its low-cost labor, growing technology and undervalued currency. These advantages let Chi nese goods have much lower prices than the others. That is the reason why China became the worlds largest manufactured goods exporter. (Brown) As for US, the benefit is obvious. Chinas relative low-cost advantage makes it focusing on producing labor-intensive goods, and thanks to the vast, seemingly unlimited Chinese work force, people in US can purchase Chinese made shirt for a fraction of the price of a US made shirt at a relatively same quality, and its not only the shirts, its almost everything. And for most American companies it was good too. Many companies can benefit from the huge Chinese labor force and Chinese markets. U.S. imports of low-cost goods from China greatly benefit U.S. consumers, and U.S. firms that use China as the final point of assembly for their products, or use Chinese-made inputs for production in the United States, are able to lower costs and become more globally competitive. (Morrison) All in all, it would seem like a win-win for both China and America. While China is getting many jobs from companies from United States, U.S has been experiencing high unemployment rate for years. There are voices from some of the media or even politicians claim that outsourcing to China is one of the major causes for high employment. But in fact, outsourcing actually sustains American jobs in a long run (Zhu). This can be illustrated by a simple example. If China can make a cellphone more cheaply, it makes more sense to import cellphone from China than make it domestically. Such transaction actually is good for both sides, brings real incomes, with added growth in the exporting country, and lower prices in the importing country (Economist). When the price of cellphone becomes cheaper, there will be more people can afford them than before, which is good for the market. Consequently, more cellphone related jobs such as maintenance and communication services are created. Therefore, more free trade between China and the U.S. can increase jobs instead of decreasing them (Yi). By analyzing trade and industry data, statisticians have discovered some fact. They find that job dislocation is not majorly because of outsourcing and offshoring in the manufacturing and service. They find the real causes of job losses were weak domestic demand, rapid productivity growth, and the dollars strength which dampened U.S. exports (Baily and Lawrence). U.S. consumers has greatly benefited from importing low price goods from China, their purchasing power has been increased. This also helped the United States maintain at a low inflation rate. Actually, trade with China has helped directly or indirectly to create jobs in the United States, and this is much more important. The U.S. merchandise trade deficit has increased from $1.7 billion in 1986 to $295 billion in 2011 (US Census Bureau), because U.S. imports from China have risen much faster than U.S. exports to China. The U.S. trade deficit with China has kept growing rapidly during the last quarter century. At present, trade imbalance is huge between China and U.S, 43% of the U.S. trade deficit is accounted for by China. And it is one of the major concerns in U.S. China relation. The U.S. deficit with China is the major part of U.S deficit. It was larger than the combined U.S. trade deficits with the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), the 27 nations that make up the European Union (EU27), and the 10 nations that make up the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). (Morrison) The connection between China and U.S will be even stronger in the future. They will continue to benefit from each other. They are both the most important market to each other. Trades between these two countries will increase even more and create more great opportunities for businesses in both countries. As the two strongest economic powers in the world, if China and U.S keep the win-win strategy, they can ensure the growth of global economy. Work Citied Baily, M. N. and Lawrence, R. Z., Dont blame trade for US job losses. The McKinsey Quarterly, Issue 1. 2005. Web. 9 Nov. 2012 Brown, A.S., Manufacturing at the crossroads. Me-Magazine., 2010. Web. 13 Nov.2012 Karabell, Zachary. Can an Eagle Hug a Panda? Time. Nov. 30, 2009. Web. 1 Nov. 2012 U.S. Census Bureau. 2011. Web. 8 Nov. 2012 Wu Yi. WSJ: Its Win-Win on U.S.-China Trade. Council on Foreign Relations. May 17, 2007. Web. 11 Nov. 2012 Wolverson, Roya, and Alessi, Christopher. Confronting U.S.-China Economic Imbalances. Council on Foreign Relations. November 2, 2011. Web. 11 Nov. 2012 Zhu, Zhi Qun. China and the United States: Learning to Live Together. Centre for World Dialogue . Spring 2007. Web. 7 Nov. 2012

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

Soccer Supporters Community The word community is primarily referred to our association with a neighborhood, town or city. But besides its dictionary definition, a community is also what holds a certain group of people together based on their interests, beliefs, practices and values. The world is conformed by many of these communities, but there is one that stands out because of its enormity and the passion that is shared within its members, the soccer supporters community. Soccer supporters are the most diehard fans in the sports world; their love and enthusiasm towards a soccer club is beyond normal and their distinctive practices makes them a worldwide community. This community is mainly defined by the devotion soccer fans have towards their favorite club and the things they’re willing to do to support their team at every game. This unique fanaticism makes them different from other sports supporters. The set of practices and habits that soccer supporters carry out are things like wearing the jersey of your team at all games, create banners on support, sing chants to motivate your team, travel to the away games, watch other soccer leagues, play soccer, stay tuned on what is going in the soccer world, but overall respect the game. Needless to say, every community has a sense of stability that declares what is acceptable and what is not. That stability is possible thanks to a community’s traditions and behaviors that must be followed by those who belong to them, and in this case, soccer supporters are not the exception. As Eduardo Galleano once said, â€Å"in life a man can change wives, political parties, or religions, but he cannot change his favorite football team,† and that’s is the number one principle of a soccer supporter, t... ... World Cup champions, their support and passion are going to be at the highest possible level. This amount of fervor is what holds the community together. Therefore the soccer supporters community is about love, respect, passion, loyalty, commitment and many other qualities that bring people from all round the globe together that share the same love for a sport. There are standards of behaviors and traditions that must be followed in order to have a sense of stability within the community. As I mentioned before, one of the main purposes of this community is to prevent every aspect that can spoil the image of the game, and lastly supporters must take advantage of such events like the World Cup, in order to interact and relate with supporters of other teams, so that all supporters share the love for the game, enjoy the game, respect the game and live for the game.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay

Acknowledgment First of all I am thankful to Almighty ALLAH, the Beneficent, the Merciful, for giving me so much strength and strength to work on this internship report and complete it successfully. I would like to express my gratefulness to all my teachers especially for giving me kind guidance and providing me a chance to work on this project right through from the start my courses. I am also thankful to all TEVTA Staff and training staff for his valuable suggestions, gentle supervision and encouragement throughout my internship. Along with all this I am very awful to the Human Resource Department of TEVTA and their cooperation during my stay in the organization. Especially I am thankful to those people of HRM Department who helped me in completing my Internship Report. VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN vi TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY vii Executive Summery TEVTA was formed by an Ordinance No XXIV of 1999 promulgated by Governor of the Punjab. Government of Punjab passed an ordinance to provide for the constitution of the Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (TEVTA) of the Punjab. The prime aim of TEVTA is to provide technically and skilled trained human resources to the Industry in the province, as per their demand. Another function of TEVTA is Develop and offer Need Based Short Courses in the sector of new technologies to the Industry and also to offer services for solutions regarding associated production problems and establish a Staff Development System to offer demand oriented teacher & instructor training and upgrading performance. TEVTA Regulate and develop standards of technical education and vocational training including internationally recognized curriculum, examination and  certification system and assess the Manpower Training Needs in the context of domestic and global markets. Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (TEVTA) was set up by Government of the Punjab for promoting & enhancing technical education & vocational training in the province. TEVTA is operating about 25 Technical institutes/colleges, 114 commerce colleges, 303 vocational institutes and 17 Service Centres total 472 Institutions for this purpose & more than 11000 Staff is working under its umbrella. TEVTA also providing Training to their employees and students all over the Punjab in various technical courses. There are two sub-departments of Human Resource Management department. One is Training Department and second one is Career Planning department. This report briefly discussing the functions of HR department in TEVTA. This report also including the suggestions and points out the area in improvements can be. In this report I briefly discussed the business sector of TEVTA organization, history of the organization, nature of the organization, service lines of TEVTA organization. I have also presented the organization hierarchy chart with details of each department and introduction, I have also given the comments on organization structure that what is the impact of organization hierarchy on different factors and I VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN vii TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY viii have also discussed the decision making impact, chain of command and span of control. I have also discussed the brief introduction of my department where I worked in and wrote the detailed description of operation and activities of the departments I worked in. Next I described HRM department hierarchy and its subdepartments. Next I explained the HR needs, sources of candidates, employment selection process, Training Need Assessment (TNA), Performance Appraisal, types of compensation and benefits, organization job changes, separations, layoff, labour management relations, terminations, resignation and retirement I have also discussed the promotion, transfer, demotion. After going through all these topics I have also included Critical Analysis and SWOT analysis of organization in the service sector. After that reader will find conclusion and recommendation for improvement of services. In this report I have explained all my observations and experience got in TEVTA during my internship tenure regarding HRD, recruitment and selectio n, performance appraisal. I go into the assignments with details given by the internship supervisors with detail of each assignment. I spent good time in learning and learnt to deal with different situations and had experience of organization environment. I would like to highlight that my experience with TEVTA organization was very memorable and full of learning’s. VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN viii TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY  ix Table of Contents S. No Description Introduction Of Technical Education Sector 8-Brief introduction of the organization’s business sector 9-Overview of TEVTA a. History b. Nature of TEVTA c. Business volume d. Product lines e. Competitors 10-Organizational Structure a. Organizational Hierarchy chart b. Number of employees c. Main offices d. Introduction of all departments e. Comments on the organizational structure 11-Plan Of Your Internship Program a. Introduction of TEVTA Secretariat Lahore b. Starting & ending dates of internship c. Description of the departments 12-Training Program a. Descriptions of the operations/activities of the departments b. Descriptions of the tasks assigned 13-Structure Of The HR Department a. Department hierarchy b. Number of employees c. Descriptions of Sub Departments. 14-Functions of HR Department a. Human resource planning and forecasting ? HRP process ? Forecasting HR requirements ? Methods to forecast HR needs b. Employees Recruitment & Selection ? Sources of candidates ? Employment selection process c. Training & Development ? Training need assessment ? Employee development Page No 1 3 4 4 4 9 10 13 13 14 22 24 25 25 26 28 36 36 36. 39 39 39 41 41 42 46 VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN ix TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY x d. Performance Management ? Setting performance standards & expectations ? How performance reports are written e. Employee Compensation & Benefits ? Type of compensation & benefits f. Organizational Career Management ? Employee job changes ? Job changes with the organization ? Promotion ? Transfer ? Demotion ? Separations ? Layoff ? Termination ? Resignation ? Retirement g. Labor Management Relations 15-Critical Analysis a. Success and failure b. Future prospects 16-SWOT Analysis a. Strengths b. Weaknesses c. Opportunities d. Threats 17-Conclusion Evaluation & Assessment 18-Recommendations For Improvement Solution of Discrepancies 19-Reference & Sources Used 20-Annexes 46 47 56 57 57 57 57 58 59 59 60 60 61 62 65 66 67 68 68 67 70 71 72 VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN x TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY 1 8-Brief introduction of the organization’s business sector The nature of this organization is to develop a skilled workforce for the local industry. TEVTA develops the skilled and technically experienced workforce for local industries. TEVTA also provides business solutions to industrial units. TEVTA playing very important role for Re-engineering and consolidate the existing technical education and vocational training system under one management structure. TEVTA Established close relationships with various sectors of economy namely Agriculture, industry, Services and Commerce. TEVTA Regulate and develop standards of technical education and vocational training including internationally recognized curriculum, examination and certification system and assess the Manpower Training Needs in the context of domestic and global markets. Another function of TEVTA is Develop and offer Need Based Short Courses in the sector of new technologies to the Industry and also to offer services for solutions regarding associated production problems and establish a Staff Development System to offer demand oriented teacher & instructor training and upgrading performance. E D U C A T I O N & T R A I N I N G SE C T O R Labour Market Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech. ) Diploma of Associate Engineers (D. A. E. ) Technical Education M. Com. B. Com. D. Com & DBA Apprenticeship Training Certificate G-II & G-III Certificate. Vocational Diploma/ Certificate Commerce Education Vocational Training High School Middle School Primary School VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN 1 TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY 2 TEVTA is engaged in imparting technical education and vocational training through its 472 institutions which fall under the below mentioned categories. ? ? ? ? ? ? Government Technical Training Centres Government Technical Training Institutes Government Vocational Training Institutes Government Commercial Training Institutes Government Polytechnic Institutes Government Colleges of Technology. TEVTA in service sector also providing technical solutions to the industry. It registers the organizations through website interface and provides the solution of their problems registered with TEVTA. Courses of different levels and of different duration are being offered in TEVTA institutions to address the public and employer’s demand. In addition to vocational / technical courses of up to 3 years. â€Å"Degree courses for B-Com, B-Tech (Pass) and B-Tech (Honour) are also offered in Government Colleges of Commerce and Government Colleges of Technology†. In education sector TEVTA provides the cheapest education and training to their students that low cost syllabus books and practical and in some cases TEVTA charge no fee from students, free training materials is provided by the institutions and students are supported with stipend. TEVTA in education sector providing technical, commerce and vocational training education and occupied the large part of technical education sector in Punjab. All institutes registered with TEVTA are funded by TEVTA. TEVTA approves PC-1 and issues the finance to the concerned institutes. TEVTA helps all registered institutes with procurement, purchasing machinery and construction of institute buildings. TEVTA is in direct relationship with industry sector, education sector, agriculture, commerce and service sector. TEVTA develops the curricula with the consultation of industry sector like leather, textile and agriculture. VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN 2 TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY 3 9-Overview of the organization TEVTA is a Technical Education & Vocation Training Authority board who is responsible for the technical education & training throughout the Punjab. It is formed by an Ordinance No. XXIV of 1999 promulgated by the Governor of the Punjab to fulfil the needs, wants and workforce of local industry by utilizing the vast network of training institutions. a. History TEVTA in collaboration with Chambers of Commerce & Industry, Lahore has established its help-Desk within the premises of Chambers of Commerce & Industry, Lahore. To assist/help the local industry by utilizing its vast network of training institutions, qualified and experienced faculty, to achieve the objectives of the project. Before TEVTA many technical institutes were working independently or under PSIC (Punjab Small Industries & Export Corporation). PSIC was established by the government of Punjab to support, development and promotion of all small industrial units in Punjab. In 1999 PSIC handover many technical institutes to TEVTA authority. In 1999 TEVTA started work and start serving the all technical institutes in the Punjab and conduct first academic session in Punjab. In 1999 all technical institutes in Punjab started registration with TEVTA authority. The session was conducted of all technical institutes in 1999. The TEVTA board was fully functional at the end of year 1999 and all academic activities started under TEVTA board in 1999. Mission Statement To enhance global competitiveness in Punjab, through a quality and productive workforce by developing demand driven standardized, dynamic and integrated technical education and vocational training service. Service Volume TEVTA’s business volume is spread through out the Punjab serving 459 colleges. TEVTA has 17 Service Centres in all over the Punjab, providing services to all the institutes. And PBTE (Punjab Board of Technical Education) is also working under TEVTA. 45000 students enrol every year in TEVTA and PBTE. 3 VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY 4 b. Nature of TEVTA TEVTA is a vocational authority board who is responsible for vocation training all over the Punjab. For this purpose TEVTA board has established PBTE (Punjab Board of Technical Education). There are 472 vocational colleges who are working under TEVTA. TEVTA provides full funds and services to all registered institutes. And planning, organizing, leading and controlling all vocational institutes. The nature of this organization is to develop skilled workforce for the local and international industry. TEVTA also provides business solutions to industrial units. TEVTA playing very important role for Re-engineering and consolidate the existing technical education and vocational training system under one management structure. c. Service Lines TEVTA has a very long list of services providing. TEVTA offering many type of short and associate engineering courses in all o ver the Punjab. The list of TEVTA’s product line is given below. TEVTA providing Commerce Education, Training Education and vocation Education. d. Courses Offered Degree B. Tech Auto & Diesel Chemical Civil Mechanical Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Electrical Electronics Auto and Farm B. Tech (Hons) Auto & Diesel Electronics and Communication Chemical Civil Mechanical Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Electrical Auto & Diesel Electronics and Communication DAE Duration 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 years years years years years years years years years years years years years years years years years VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN 4 TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY 5. Architecture Auto & Diesel Chemical Civil Mechanical Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Auto and Farm Automation Bio Medical Computer Information Technology Electrical Electronic Textile Weaving Technology Foundry & Pattern Making Instrumentation Printing & Graphic Arts Textile Spinning Welder Food Technology Telecom Petroleum Petrochemical Dress Designing & Making Diploma Diploma in Electronics Publishing Technology Higher National Diploma (Telecom) Higher National Diploma (Chemical) Higher National Diploma (Electronics) Higher National Diploma (Mechanical) Higher National Diploma (Textile). Diploma in Commerce Diploma in Information Technology Diploma in  Office Management Post Diploma Bio Medical Technology Environmental Control Technology Commerce Education Master Degree M. Com Graduation Degree B. Com Diploma (2 year) Diploma in Business Administration Diploma in Commerce Diploma in Information Technology 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 years years years years years years years years years years years years years years years years years years years years years years years 1 year 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 1 year 1 year 1 Year 1 Year 2 Years 2 Years 2Years 2 Years 1 Year 5 VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY 6. Diploma in Vocational Girls Certificate Certificate in Computer Applications Certificate in Computer Applications Spoken English Spoken English Vocational Education Vocational Diploma (1-2 years) Diploma in Commerce Diploma in Information Technology Dress Designing & Making Diploma in Vocational Girls Diploma in Vocational Girls Diploma G-II (2 years) Diploma in Commerce Diploma in Information Technology Dress Designing & Making Diploma in Vocational Girls Diploma in Vocational Girls Diploma G-III (1 year) Mechanical (G-III) Refrigeration & Air Conditioning (G-III). Auto and Farm (G-III) Electrical (G-III) Electronics (G-III) Auto & Farm Machinery (G-III) Auto Electrician (G-III) Auto Mechanic(G Carpenter (G-III) Commercial Arts / Graphics (G-III) Computer and Electronics (G-III) Computer Operator (G-III) Draftsman Civil (G-III) Draftsman Mechanical(G Electrician (G-III) Fitter General (G-III) Industrial Electronics (G-III) Machinist (G-III) Mechanist (G-III) Painter (G-III) Electronics Application (Radio & TV) (G-III) Tractor and Auto Mechanic (G-III) Welder (G-III) Computer Hardware (G-III) General Mechanic (G-III). 2 Years 3 Months 6 Months 3 Months 4 Months 2 Years 1 Year 2-Year 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 1 Year 2-Year G-II 2 Years 2 Years 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 6 VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY 7. Motor Winding (G-III) Tailoring (G-III) Wood Work (G-III) Auto Mechanic(Diesel (G-III) Auto Mechanic(Petrol) (G-III) Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVACR) (G-III) Turner (G-III) Electrical Wiring Technician (G-III) Machine Shop (G-III) Bulldozer Operator (G-III) Textile Printing (G-III) Office Secretary (G-III) Mill Wright (G-III) Sports Goods Leather Work (G-III) Sports Goods Wood (G-III) Office Management Assistant (G-III) Dress Designing & Making (G-III) Machine Embroidery (G-III) Beautician (G-III) Hair and skin Care (G-III) Fashion Designing (G-III). Certificate Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Auto and Farm Auto & Farm Machinery Auto Electrician Carpenter Computer Operator Computer Operator Electrician Machinist Mechanist Welder Driving Motor Winding Plumber Plumber Plumber Tailoring Tailoring Wood Work Auto Cad Auto Cad Auto Mechanic(Diesel) Auto Mechanic(Petrol) 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 6 6 6 6 6 3 6 6 6 6 6 3 6 3 12 6 3 6 6 3 6 6 6 7 VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY 8. Certificate in Computer Applications Certificate in Computer Applications Electronics Equipment Repair Home Appliances & Repair Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning Mason/Bricks Layer Tractor Operator Turner Electrical Wiring Technician Machine Shop Bulldozer Operator Sheet Metal Civil Surveyor Mobile Repairing Mobile Repairing Certificate in Computer Graphics Wireman Paint Polish Electrical Appliances Machine Process for Wood Furniture Motor Cycle Mechanic Dress Designing & Making Dress Designing & Making Hand Embroidery Hand Embroidery Knitting Hand Machine Embroidery Machine Embroidery Beautician Beautician Certificate Vocational Girls (1 Year Certificate). Diploma in Vocational Girls (Additional) (Diploma 1 Year) Handicraft Industrial Stitching Machine Operator Leather Work Painting Painting Rural Poultry Spoken English Spoken English Stain Glass Painting Cooking & Baking Domestic Tailoring Drawing & Designing Electrical Mechanical (Vocational ) 3 6 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 6 3 6 3 3 6 3 12 12 12 6 3 3 3 6 6 3 4 3 3 3 3 6 8 VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY 9. Diploma in Vocational Teacher Training (Diploma 1 Year) Decoration Printing English Language e. Competitors There is not any considerable competitor in Punjab Province. 12 3 3 3 VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN 9 TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY 10. 10-Organization Structure a. Organizational Hierarchy chart Organizational hierarchy is the formal framework by which job tasks are divided, grouped and coordinated. To achieve the main objective of the TEVTA structure is designed which is given asunder. Chairman TEVTA Secretary TEVTA Chairman PBTE COO Chairman TEVTA has the final authority in TEVTA to make amendments in TEVTA organization Structure. The Secretary TEVTA, COO (Chief Operating Officer) and the Chairman of PBTE (Punjab Board of Technical Education) is reported to Chairman TEVTA. Secretary TEVTA Manager P. Relations Manage HRM Manager Establishment Manager Inquiry Manager Legal All Managers of TEVTA, 1. Manager Public Relations (PR), 2. Manager Human Resource Management (HRM). 3. Manager Establishment, 4. Manager Inquiry and 5. Manager Legal matters are make reports to Secretary TEVTA. And all managers are also reported to their General Managers. COO TEVTA General Manager Finance General Manager SCs General Manager HRM General Manager Projects General Manager Operations General Manager Academic VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN 10. TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY 11 Chairman PBTE Trade Testing Board (Development Cell) General Manager Finance Manager Audit Manager Finance Manager MIS General Manager Human Resources Manager Career Planning Manager Training General Manager Projects Manager Works General Manager Operations Manager Planning Manager Operations-I Manager Operations-II Manager Monitoring Manager Technical General Manager Academics Manager AA Manager AT Manager Curriculum Manager R&D VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN 11 TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY 12 General Manager Service Centres Manager Service Centres Organization Hierarchy Chart Organization Structure Of TEVTA. Chairman TEVTA BOARD Director (R&D) (D) Secretary/C. O. O. (A) District Boards of Management Chairman (PBTE) Manager PR (I) Manager Legal (C) Manager HRM (A) Manager Enquiry (S) Manager Estt (B) GM Finance (A) Manager (MIS) (M) GM (Projects) (N) Manager (Admin) (Z) Advisor (P&P) (G) GM Operations (A) GM Service Center (L) GM HRM (K) GM Academics (A) Dy. GM Finance (L) Dy. GM Service Centers (O) Manager Development (N) Manager Accounts (M) Manager Finance (A) Manager Works (N) Manager Projects (N) Manager Service Centers (F) Manager Training (A/R) Manager C625. 2areer Planning (P/R) Manager Ops. I (E) Manager Ops. II(E) Manager Tech. 3(E) Manager M&E (E) ZN-N (A).1 ZM-C (A) ZM-S (A) Manager (AA) (M) Manager Apprenticeship (J) Manager Curriculum (A) Manager (A&C) (K) 07 DMs 07 DMs 07 DMs (A) (A) (A) Principals Principals Principals VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN 12 TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY 13 b. Number of Employees Civil Employees. TEVTA Secretariat Institutes Zonal Office DM Office RDAT Development Cell Total 155 7830 24 71 58 31 8169 TEVTA Employees. 308 3285 20 162 12 2 3789 PSIC 2 663 0 0 0 0 665 Total 465 11778 44 233 70 33 12623 Vacant 145 3183 21 87 20 11 3467 c Main Offices Sr# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Offices Public Relation Office Gulberg Human Resource Management Office Gulberg Career Planning Office Gulberg Establishment Office Gulberg Operations Management Offices Gulberg Inquiry Office Gulberg Research and Development Office Gulberg Curriculum Office Gulberg Service Centers Office Gulberg Training Office Gulberg A&D Office Gulberg Academic Audit Office Gulberg Project Management Office Gulberg Administration Office Gulberg Examination and Certification Office Gulberg Govt. Institute of Leather Technology, Gujranwala. Cutlery & Small Tools Industry Service Centre, Wazirabad. Light Engineering Service Centre, Gujranwala. Institute of Ceramics, Gujrat. Wood Working Service Centre, Gujrat. Govt. Wool Spinning & Weaving Cum-Training Centre, Jhang Centre for Agricultural Machinery Industries, Govt. Weaving & Finishing Institute, Shahdara. Govt. Polytechnic Institute, Shahdara. Pak German Institute of Cooperative Agriculture, Multan Institute of Blue Pottery Development, Multan (Productive/Service Centre) 13 VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY 14 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Wood Work Centre, Kot Addu (Productive/Service Centre) Wood Working Service Centre, Rawalpindi Metal Industry Development Centre, Sialkot Cantt. Govt. Weaving & Finishing Centre Shahdara Knitwear Hosiery Centre, Faisalabad d. Introduction of All Departments Human Resource Management Department. The main function of Human Resource Management department is to recruitment, conducting staff training, handling pension cases, handling promotion cases, enquiry matters, service matters, amendments in service rules and union matters. Main functions of HRM department. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Employee’s performance evaluation Evaluation performance and improve organizational performance Job Evaluation Job analysis Develop job Descriptions/positions according to the organization needs. Staffing. Issuance of vacancies of civil employees. Employee’s promotions and transfers. Recruitment and selection of people. Record Maintenance. Training Department Training department is a sub department of Human Resources department. Training department is responsible for conducting training programs. Training department assess the weak areas of the organization’s employees and conduct the training program for them. If there is any development in TEVTA curriculum and sallybus then training department conduct the training program for teacher for effectiveness in studies. Main functions of Training Department. ? Study gap analysis. 14 VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY 15 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Trraining need assessment.. All skill up-gradation trainings. Pedagogy Trainigs. Matters relating with curriculum % manuals. Create training or development specification. Plan training and evaluation. Prepare Annual Training Plan/ Calendar. Finalization of Nominations, Venue & Master Trainer Monitoring of Training activity. Proposal of nominations after short listing. Forward Nominations to P&D. Preparation of cost / budget estimates & release of funds. At the end of training program conducting Feedback from students. Data entry in MIS. Career Planing Department Career planning department is working under Human Resource Management department. Career planning department is a new personnel function. Career planning department of TEVTA is focusing on to motivate their employees towards their jobs with high efficiently and effectiveness. Career planning department of TEVTA has deep focus on individual employee potentials for promotion towards the organization needs and opportunities. Career planning department also help and cooperate with all internees came in TEVTA. Main functions of Career planning department. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Guidance of students, internees, and organization employees. Developing of job specifications and job descriptions. Maintaining of some sort of HR records of employees. Conduct of workshops/seminars for Placement Officers. Placement of Internees under NIP. Leave Account Termination of contract VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN 15 TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY 16 ? ? Control absenteeism Short leave and late Attendance Fianancial Management Financial Management department handles the all money & tax matters of and manages the financial resources of TEVTA and also leads the Administration department of TEVTA. Financial Management department performs the extensive responsibilities. Main function of Financial Management department ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Policy forming. Financial dicipline Financial analysis Tax matters Bugdeting Auiditing Internal Audit Physical Stocktaking Preparation of financial statements Sanctioning of Purchase Cases Release of Salary Development of Annual Budget and all procedures till approval Handling Financial Assistance Cases GPF Advance, Marriage, Funeral Grants Pension of PSIC Employees Release of LFA Administration Department Administration department perform all managerial functions. It handles three further departments, Diary and Dispatch department, Transport department, store department and to carry out any kind of security arrangements. Functions of Administration department ? Recruitment of contract employees in TEVTA secretariat and institutes all over the Punjab. VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN 16. TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY 17 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Maintenance of time in / time out register. Number of approval for local vehicles Record keeping of diary and dispatch, LFA, store section and transport section. Tenders open in the presence of purchase committee and the Bidders Examining demand & preparing advertisement Submitting advertisement to Public Relation section Request for interview schedule to Appointing authority Short listing of candidates Call letters are issued Preparation of Marks Sheets/Files Consolidated marks sheet for signatures Establishment Department Functions of Establishment department ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Examination & Give proposal Final shaping of the Case for getting Approval of the Competent Authority Preparing summary For S&GAD / Finance etc Issuance of NOC to the nominee Decision / Minutes are put up for approval of authority to convey for implementation Coordinate meeting Receiving Complaints Preparing the case for probe / inquiry Amendments in service rules of TEVTA Postings and transfers House building advances Matters relating to PBTE. Managing all kind of leaves such as, medical leave, earned leave, study leave, extra ordinary leave. ? ? ? Deputation of cases. Marriage grants and funeral grants. Finance assistance cases. VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN 17 TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY 18 ? ? To deal with Chief Minister’s complaint cell. Governments Circulars and Notifications. Legal Department Legal department is responsible for preparation of cases and proposals on TEVTA activities to help TEVTA to avoid from legislations. Finalize the parawise comments and submit to the competent authority, get signed the parawise comments from the Authority, present the rough draft of parawise comments, file the parawise comments in the Court, attend the Court on each date of hearing & present/explain the case if necessary, put up the court order to the authority for implementation, attend the Court on each date of hearing and present/explain the in the Court and to provide legal opinions to TEVTA authorities. Enquiry Department Enquiry department is responsible of conducting enquiry of inefficiencies, misconduct, corruption, absence record of teacher and employees all over the Punjab, subversive activities and disciplinary actions. They investigate the activities/cases against the state in TEVTA institutions and all district managers and zonal managers. The competent authority of Enquiry department is secretary TEVTA. Enquiry department receive the cases of enquiry from grade 17 scale officers to 22 grade scale officers from all over the Punjab. Functions of inquiry department is to generate enquiry report, conducting enquiry of absence, corruption, misconduct, inefficiencies and activities against state matters, prepare the charge sheet / penal of enquiry officers / departmental representative. Research and Development Department Research and development department is responsible for overall development of TEVTA and its institutions, exercise market research, training need assessment and to coordinate with curriculum department for in development of curricula. Research and Development have to identify new trades and technologies in the market and TEVTA intuitions all over the Punjab. Functions of research and development department, approval of action plans industry visits, meetings with the stakeholders, review of draft TNA report, preparation of organization plans, coordinate with curriculum department and keep on eye on VIRTUAL UNIVERISTY OF PAKISTAN 18 TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING AUTHORITY. 19  changes & development in sallybus, to plan, supervise and coordinate research and development activities in Punjab and to identify technologies trades at new intuitions Curriculum Department The responsibility of Curriculum development is to develop the curricula of TEVTA institutions. They develop the curricula of 3 year DAE classes, B. Tech classes, 1 year, 6 months and 3 months courses. But they have they authority of authentication the curricula of courses below the period of 3 years. 3 years a curriculum is approved by the NEVTEC the higher authority of TEVTA. Curriculum department evaluates revision and develop the curricula. Functions of Curriculum department ? Proposal for curricula development committee, curricula revision committee and curricula evaluation committee. ? ? ? Scrutiny of Proposal Approval of CDC/CRC/CEC Proposal for manual development committee.