Friday, December 27, 2019

Uk Government Responses For The Financial Crisis - 945 Words

UK Government Responses to the Financial Crisis UK government was very swift in its response the financial crisis. Various measures were taken to address the economic anomaly that came with the crisis. These range from various monetary policies to fiscal policies. Some of these policies are discussed below: Reduction in interest rate: In March 2009, UK government through Bank of England reduced interest rate from 5.0 % in September 2008 to 0.5 %. Figure 7 below shows UK interest rate level from a decade prior to the crisis period. Figure 7: Official Bank Rate and Inflation Source: Office for National Statistics The aim rationale behind reduced interest rate was to provoke recovery from the crisis. This targeted increase in consumers as well as firms and government spending since incentive to save had been eroded. This measure not only increased aggregate demand, it also aid commitment to new investments. Additionally, monthly cost of mortgage repayment was witnessed which in turn, provided more disposable income and make investment in property market more lucrative. Since reduced interest rate made it unattractive to save money, currencies were less demanded thereby causing fall in the currency values. This therefore had a multiplier effect on export and import. This explains why during post crisis period, UK exports became more competitive. The challenging part of this measure was that during the crisis, banks had limited liquidity which necessitated their longing forShow MoreRelatedThe Structure, Conduct and Recent Performance of the Uk Banking Sector1105 Words   |  5 PagesINTRODUCTION Before discussing the structure, conduct and recent performance of the UK banking sector, it is useful to provide an insight in the recent global financial crisis caused by the sub-prime mortgage crisis initiated in the US and underline its effects on the banking industry in the UK. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Awakening And A Doll s House - 973 Words

The Awakening and A Doll’s House both share similarities and differences. They were both written, at the time, toward different audiences. The Awakening was written in 1899, in English, and A Doll’s House was written in 1879, In Norwegian. Yet, despite these differences these works both find ways to explicate the same themes and ideas of feminism, and the concept of self-individuality. The culture, at the time, did not promote the self-individuality of women. The books’ main ideas, therefore challenges these notions and illuminate the idea of freedom as both Edna and Nora, the central characters, try to find it. Nevertheless, freedom comes at a price and consequences that cannot be controlled by the individual. Although both books illustrate this theme differently, The Awakening by Kate Chopin and A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen both tell that freedom isn’t necessarily free and that it requires sacrifice. Both their main characters, Edna and Nora, go through journeys in search for freedom and both these characters are in conflict with their surroundings. Edna Pontellier, a New Orleans woman who is married to a businessman, finds it stifling that he is gone for business trips and tries to find love outside their relationship, and Nora, an upper-middle class housewife, is conflicted by whether or not to leave Torvald. â€Å"Her marriage to Leonce Pontellier was purely an accident [†¦]† (18 Chopin) and â€Å"Do you think they would forget their mother if she went away altogether?† (30Show MoreRelatedA Doll s House And The Awakening1413 Words   |  6 Pagesthe idea that feminists hate marriage, men, motherhood, etc. In both A Doll’s House by Fredrik Ibsen and The Awakening by Kate Chopin these stereotypes are reinforced to the reader. Both A Doll’s House and The Awakening represent poor examples of feminism because the main characters rely on men for va lidation and also search for superiority over equality with the men in their lives. When we first meet Nora in A Doll’s House, she is a perfect wife, mother, and representation of a 19th century woman.Read MoreThe Awakening And Henrik Ibsen s A Doll s House1288 Words   |  6 Pagesnovella The Awakening and Henrik Ibsen’s iconic play A Doll’s House both follow strong female protagonists who deal with abusive relationships, difficult situations, and self-realization. A main theme seen in both works is that of self-awareness and the journey to find one’s self while they deal with conflicting relationships between themselves and other characters. Although Robert M. Adams’ identification of personality clashes is evident in both works, his interpretation of A Doll’s House and beliefRead MoreKate Chopin s The Awakening And Henrik Ibsen s A Doll s House1571 Words   |  7 Pagesdominated world, which took females to serve as inspirations rather than creators. In Kate Chopin s, The Awakening and Henrik Ibsen s, A Doll House, the authors use their main characters to show the occurring changes of females in a male dominated society. Edna Pontellier and Nora Helmer explore their desires to find independence and live fully within themselves. The two housewives experience their awakenings similarly through their repressive husbands, their lack of motherliness, and their ultimate decisionRead MoreCompare And Contrast A Doll House And The Poisonwood Bible1604 Words   |  7 PagesA Doll House by Henrik Ibsen depicts a young wife, Nora, as she struggles to deal with the repercussions of illegally borrowing money to help save, her husband, Torvald’s life. The play ends after her activity has been brought to the light and Torvald’s true nature of selfishness is revealed. Nora leaves him, recognizing their marriage as unequal. Barbara Kingsolver’s The Poisonwood Bible is set thousands of miles away in the Congo compared to the northern European setting of A Doll House, whereRead MoreAnalysis Of Nora Helmer s A Doll s House 841 Words   |  4 PagesBrennan1 John.Brennan Lisa Wall English Composition II 29 March 2015 Knowing about Nora Helmer From the beginning of A Doll’s House play, Nora Helmer appears to a obedient wife. She doesn t seem to mind when her husband, Torvald, calls her his little squirrel, his little lark, and a featherhead, (1.5-1.16).And more than that, she seems to enjoy and even play into it. She shows also a generous behavior, by giving a good tip to the porter and buying a lot of Christmas presents. TheRead MoreTheatrical Realism : Realism And Realism1228 Words   |  5 PagesDOLL’S HOUSE Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906), a norwegian writer, is considered to be the father of modern realistic drama His plays attacked society’s values and dealt with unconventional subjects within the form of the well-made play (causally related) Ibsen’s letters reveal that much of what is contained in his realist dramas is based on events from his own life. A Doll’s House was the second in a series of realist plays by Ibsen after The Pillars of Society (1877) In the play, A Doll s House, the titleRead MoreHow Writers Represents Relationships Between Characters1019 Words   |  5 Pagesmoney that he saved for a long time, he discovered what real happiness and love is after he becomes a Eppies` father. A Doll s House is a naturalist play in prose by Henrik Ibsen. Similar to George Eliot he uses the plot and language to pass a message of values and morals to the audience. The structures of the work are the three separate acts. Through them, the author shows how Nora`s and Torvald relationship changes. In the beginning they seem to be happy. As the play progresses, its easy to see thatRead MoreA Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen1037 Words   |  5 PagesHenrik Ibsen s A Doll s House is a work of literature genius. This three-act play involves many literary technics that are undermined by the average reader such as the fact that the plot shows the main characters Torvald and his wife Nora live the perfect life. An ironic paradox based around the fact that Nora and Torvald’s relationship is the complete opposite of perfect. Also, bringing upon a conflict as well, appearance versus reality. These little hidden meanings within stories are what areRead MoreCritical Attitude Toward Marr iage and Duty in the Play, A Dolls House by Henrick Ibsen985 Words   |  4 PagesIn the play â€Å"A Dolls House† by Henrik Ibsen, the controversy within the Helmer family conveys a critical attitude toward marriage and duty. The drama traces the awakening, self-realization and transformation of the main character, Nora Helmer. Having borrowed money from the character Krogstad by falsifying her father’s signature, Nora was able to afford a trip to the south for the sake of saving her sick husband, Torvald Helmer’s life. Since then, Nora has been secretly working in order to pay offRead MoreA Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen1421 Words   |  6 PagesIn A Doll’s House, Henrik Ibsen examines conventional roles of men and women in the nineteenth century. In the play, Nora exemplifies the conventional feminine standard during that period. She seems to be powerless and confines herself through high standard expectations, demonstrating what the role of a women wo uld be as a wife and mother. The protagonist of A Doll’s House is a woman named Nora Helmer. Ibsen shows how Nora’s design of perfect life gradually transforms when her secret unravels. In

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Pro- Cell Phones and Ipods in School free essay sample

Alex Hightower Cell phones are taking over high schools, let’s face it. In this day and age cell phones and mp3 players are almost a necessity. Have you ever been sitting in the middle of class and you hear a cell phone go off? The common reaction is to look and see whose phone it was, then you lose focus and the teacher has to repeat what they were saying. This gets most teachers mad and many students upset. Students believe that teachers taking their phones away are not fair, when really you should have been paying attention to the lesson instead of distracting another student from learning. The teachers do not want to take the  cell phone  or mp3 players away from you but it is part of their job duties. They just want what is best for you and they want you to succeed in life. Many school administrators have taken the position that school rules should prohibit the use of  cell phones  and mp3 players during class, tests, and exams and in the bathroom. We will write a custom essay sample on Pro- Cell Phones and Ipods in School or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I disagree. I think that they should allow cell phones and mp3 players in school. For one, it is safer to let children have their phones so they can contact their parents during the day, that way the parents know that their child is safe at school. If there is an emergency or accident the parents would want to know about it and if everyone is okay. The school board can only send out a voicemail so quickly and it would have all the information that their child would. It also wouldn’t give specific information pertaining to the child. It would send them into a panic, worrying that their kid is injured. If they were allowed to use their phones, they would call their parents and tell them that everything is okay. That would also relieve the stress of the school board about having to tell the parents because the kids would have already done it. Most kids these days have low attention spans. Those same kids also listen to music in their spare time. For example, while they read or do homework and likely concentrate better while doing this. So if we let them listen to music on their iPods or mp3 players during silent work, they would talk to other class mates less and they would finish their work more accurately and faster. Using iPods in class during silent work would help the kids do their work more accurately. Another concern is that a class mate might steal another class mate’s cell phone or mp3 player. This can happen but might be less likely if the student is allowed to use it. If the student is allowed to text in class he or she is going to check their phone or mp3 player more often than they would if they weren’t allowed to text or listen to music in class. Cell phone and mp3 players can be distracting in class, while teaching, but that’s why, rather than banning them, there should be a guide line set. The cell phone or mp3 player doesn’t need to be out the entire day or the entire class period but they also don’t need to be banned altogether. They should be used appropriately throughout the school day and emergencies. They also shouldn’t be taken if the student is caught with a cell phone or mp3 player. The ones that get caught are usually the ones contacting a parent because they are sick and not paying attention to the teacher. Having the phone sit in the office makes the school directly responsible for whether or not the cell phone is stolen or broken, which could result in a law suit, depending on the parents and the type of cell phone. Whoever pays the bill for the cell phone wouldn’t be happy if they can’t get to it because they have to work and it just sits in the office, causing them to pay for something that’s not being used. There is no real downside to letting students have their cell phones mp3 players in class. It’s better for parents who may need to contact their kids during school hours. It’ll help kids concentrate in class. It could make them use their phones less; we are more likely to do something were not allowed to do. That’s why we should allow cell phones and mp3 players in school.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Research Paper on Terrorism and Technology Essay Example

Research Paper on Terrorism and Technology Essay Terrorism and Technology Research Paper Introduction Nowadays the problem of terror attacks is one of the most important problems that many countries of the world have to solve. Moreover, this problem gradually acquires a global character since increasingly larger number of countries is involved in the global war on terror. As a result, the contemporary world face a real threat of a global terror war that undermines stability and normal life of the whole global community. This potential threat became particularly obvious after tragic events of September 11 when the US, being the only superpower in the world, turned to be unable to prevent the most terrible terror attack in its history. More and more often terror attacks produce a larger affect on the society of definite countries where they occur as well as on the world community. This is why it is quite natural that practically all spheres of human life are affected by terror attacks and anti-terror measures. In such a situation the development of efficient anti-terror technologies is extremely important and, unfortunately a lot of countries have to develop this technology. Read more about write my essay help on terrorism topics from experts! As a result, socio-economic life is getting to be increasingly more focused on anti-terror technologies and, in this respect, business play an extremely important role since often it is dramatically affected by terror attacks and anti-terror operations, as it used to be with aircraft, tourist and many other industries worldwide after 9/11, and business, willingly or not, is getting to be involved in anti-terror struggle and has to implement new anti-terror technologies. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Terrorism and Technology specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Terrorism and Technology specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Terrorism and Technology specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The problem of terrorism in the contemporary world and its impact on society Despite the actuality of the problem of terrorism its roots may be found in the far past of socio-political and economical development of the world and human society but in the 21st century it acquires global features. Unfortunately, globalization deteriorates the general situation in relations between rich and poor because regardless all positive trends that this process may give to the world economy but some specialists defines its general effect as the deterioration of the position of poor countries and improvement and prosperity of rich countries. Consequently, poor countries become poorer and rich become richer as a result the opposition between them growth and naturally it engenders a great tension between two polar parts of the world but if in the past the countries which felt being deprived could directly oppose their oppressors in an open war conflict now they cannot really counteract to more powerful and rich countries that makes them to look for different ways to achieve t heir goals and improve their position in the world. Obviously, this is one of the main causes of terror war. In general, terrorism may be defined as a systemic use of violence, traditionally by some illegal organizations, groups, or even some individuals that aim at the creation of a general climate of fear among the population which is supposed to become more obedient to the demands of terrorists. Usually terrorists try to achieve a definite political goal and for its sake they are ready to kill not only other innocent people but even themselves. However, it would be a mistake to think that only terrorist groups or organization support terrorism. Our history, particularly the history of the 20th century can give us a lot of examples when governments of different countries provide the policy of terror. For instance, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union during the Stalin’s, practically dictatorial, totalitarian regime were extremely bloodthirsty and used terror even against the population of their own countries. But, terrorism has really become a global problem at the end of the 20th at the beginning of the 21st centuries when organized terror attacks shaken the world and after which some politicians had started to speak about a new world order. For instance, terror attacks as September 11, when as Jessica Hamblen says â€Å"the nation was forever changed†(2001: 42) as well as the whole world and the global society. Since the main cause of terrorism is the polarization of the world and the division of countries in poor and rich it is a really global problem that involves many countries. It is noteworthy that the main source of ‘human material’ for terrorist acts are poor Asian countries such as Afghanistan, Sri-Lanka, or Pakistan, numerous African countries, some countries of Latin America and others. For instance, one of the most notorious terrorist organization Jemaah Islamiah recruit poor Indonesian because the country is overwhelmed by powerlessness of ordinary people, injustice and poverty. As a result â€Å"for many poor Indonesian children†¦ the only opportunity to learn to read and write is found within the network of Muslim schools funded by Saudi Arabian organizations preaching an intolerant form of Islam† (Kortunov 1994:235). In general, among the causes of terrorism may be named: a) on the organizational level the gap between well-developed countries and countries of the third world, the consequences of the cold war; b) on the personal level, individual peculiarities of character, psychology, social and economic conditions of life of individuals. Speaking about the effect of terror acts, it is necessary to underline from the very beginning that they impacts not only individuals but also many countries and the global community at large. Numerous studies have shown that â€Å"deliberate violence creates longer lasting mental-health effects than natural disasters or accidents† (Hamblen 2001:82). Consequences of terror attacks may last for quite a long time and as it has already been mentioned they affect both individuals and community. People, particularly survived victims, their relatives or just witnesses of a tragedy may be overwhelmed by different feelings but such feelings as anger, a desire for revenge, frustration, helplessness, fear are usually the strongest. They may also be deteriorated by the feeling of injustice that people may think have been done to them. Actually, this feeling of injustice may result in all others mentioned above. It is worthy to note that the study have revealed the fact that â€Å"acting on this anger and desire for revenge can increase rather than decrease feelings of anger, guilt and distress† (Hamblen 2001:89). For instance, after September 11 the rate of psychological and mental health problems dramatically increased. Thus, a psychological result of any terror attack is shock, growing tension, loss of confidence in the security of life, fear and a strong feeling of injustice. However, it was not the only consequence of this terror attack. As Smith and some others researchers estimate â€Å"over a year after the bombing, Oklahomans reported increased rates of alcohol use, smoking, stress, and PTSD symptoms as compared to citizens of another metropolitan city† (1999:194). So, we may say that the terror attack had not only psychological but social and economic effect because psychological problems cause problems of interpersonal relations, it influences the working abilities of people. As for alcohol use and smoking it deteriorates mental and physical health that is naturally results in problems within families and on the working place, furthermore the threat of antisocial behavior of people who smoke or use alcohol becomes quite real. Moreover, it is important to underline that the consequences of terror attacks are really global because of the development of media and integration of many countries there is practically no room where such terror attac ks as September 11 remained unnoticed and without its negative effects. Moreover, the US is not the only country that suffered from terrorists. Practically, the same consequences we may observe in Indonesia after the bombing of Jakarta’s Marriott Hotel, or recent terror acts in Madrid that are often compared to September 11 in the US, and the list may be continued. It is also worthy to note that terror attack produce a serious negative economic effect. For instance the September 11 terror attacks caused a profound recession of American economy at large and a serious crisis in some industries in particular. To put it more precisely, aircraft industry and travel industry were in a profound crisis because of a total fear of customers to use airlines as well as because of increased norms of security which limited dramatically personal rights and freedom and created a number of inconveniences for passengers that traditionally used airlines. As for the more recent examples, London Underground bombing also provoked panic among the local population and fo r a certain period practically paralyzed the work of the underground railway stations and, consequently, affected the work of numerous companies operating in London whose work depended on a traditionally normal functioning of the tube. Current measures of prevention of terror attacks Naturally, the states which were exposed to the threat of terror attacks could not remain passive and had to undertake efficient measures of prevention of further terror attacks and provide possibly higher level of security of civil population. At this point it is worthy to note that different states have different experience in the field of security and in the development of anti-terror technologies. However, in the contemporary world there is practically no state that could feel really secure before the threat of terrorism this is why the wide implementation of technologies which increase anti-terrorist security of civilians is of a paramount importance. At the same time, speaking about the states-leaders in the field of anti-terror technologies it is possible to say that Israel is one of the most advanced states because this country has born the burden of terrorist threat since the middle 20th century till the present moment. Naturally, the experience of Israel in the sphere of anti-terrorist technologies is very important and may be borrowed by other states facing similar threats. It is also necessary to underline that business is closely involved into the development of anti-terrorist technologies in Israel as well as in any other state. Speaking about the experience of Israel in the field of anti-terror technologies, it should be said that as a rule targets of terror attacks are private companies, including cafes, restaurants, as well as transport and infrastructure. In fact, terrorists may target at any object which can result to a serious public disorder and panic and numerous casualties. Facing the threat of terror attacks, many Israeli companies increased the level of their security by means of improving the technologies of surveillance over the territories surrounding offices or buildings belonging to them, including parking spots. Among the most recent trends, a particular attention should be given to the security of Israeli transport, notably buses. A few years ago, there was developed a special technology aiming at the beating bus bombers since in 2000s buses became one of the most preferable targets for terror attacks in Israel. The basic reason for such a choice of terrorists is the high efficiency of terror attacks causing numerous casualties among civil population spreading panic and terror among ordinary citizens before the threat of terrorism. In fact, the anti-terrorist system developed in Israel is quite simple and it actually provides a bus driver to block any individual he considers to be suspicious by hitting a red button to close a turnstile. Obvious ly, this system seems to be rather simple but still it may be quite efficient but only on the condition of a high attention from the part of a driver who should actually play the role of security services in distinguishing a terrorist among the passengers. Naturally, such a system is not perfect and is justly criticized by many specialists because, firstly, it creates certain inconveniences for passengers since they can hardly presuppose whom the driver may consider suspicious. Secondly, the driver himself should be very attentive but often he cannot physically dispel his attention by surveying the surrounding people and the situation on the road. Finally, drivers apparently need some special training to define potentially dangerous individuals. In response to numerous critics, the developers of the technology indicate at the possibility to improve their invention. To put it more precisely, it is suggested to introduce new technological devices which could scan and identify individuals possessing some weapon or explosive materials and which would block such individuals automatically without the driver’s assistance. Unfortunately, Israel is only one of the countries that face the threat of terror attacks and this is a serious problem for many other states, including the USA and the UK which become the target of terrorist aggression over and over again. Not surprisingly that other states also have to develop their own systems of anti-terror protection and implement new anti-terror technologies. In this respect, the experience of the US is extremely important since the security of American airports and air lines is considered to be one of the highest in the contemporary world. It is also worthy to note that to a significant extent private companies contribute to the implementation of new anti-terror technologies because as it has been already mentioned above they suffered a serious economic crisis because of terror attacks of Spetember 11 and the following fear of customers that decreased the revenues of companies operating in aircraft industry, as well as other industries more or less relating to air transportation also demonstrated negative trends in their financial achievements. In fact, in order to improve the security of flights in the US and prevent the potential repeat of any terror attack American airports have become probably the most secure places due to high level of implementation of the most sophisticated technologies which aim at the possibly earlier detection of a potential terrorist threat. The implemented systems of scanning and control minimize the risk of a possibility to organize a terror attack in the air. In fact, due to the recent technologies and innovations implemented in airports they are nowadays considered to be fully secured. However, aircrafts and airports are not the only targets of terror attacks that affect dramatically the life of many people and normal development of different industries. As the recent events in the UK proved underground railways may be also a desirable target for terror attacks and their consequences may be also quite disastrous. In fact, London Underground turned to be practically totally unprepared for the terrible terror attacks and the current improvements are extremely important. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that it is practically impossible to provide the fully airport-style security in the underground railways because of the incomparably larger amount of passengers that pass through the tube and significant differences between airports and underground railway stations. Nonetheless, it does not necessarily mean that the security of underground railways cannot be improved. In stark contrast, it can be and currently is improved that is very important, taking into consideration the significance of underground railways for contemporary large cities. Obviously, the normal functioning of economy of certain regions and even countries may depend on the effective system of security of underground railways because the recent terror attacks in London revealed the potential danger of their malfunctioning. It is obvious that underground railway are a vitally important of infrastructure of any large city. In such a situation the experience of London Underground in implementation of new anti-terror technologies is very useful. Among the most recent technologies that are currently being implemented in London underground railways may be named X-ray screening and body scanners. It is supposed that these technological innovations would increase the security of underground railways and minimize the risk of terror attacks with the use of conventional weapon or explosives since they provide the possibility to screen for concealed weapons and traces of explosives. Obviously, the implementation of these technologies contribute to the higher level of security in underground railways. Alternatives and perspectives of present anti-terror technologies Unfortunately, the recent technological innovation mentioned above, being quite efficient at first glance are not perfect. The problems that the beating bus bombers systems currently face have already been discussed. At the same time, the improvement of underground railways security is not sufficient and cannot be always efficient. The problem is that it is practically impossible to establish total control and provide full security within underground railways. In fact, it is necessary to understand that anti-terror technologies cannot fully guarantee the security of citizens but may increase it significantly. At the same time, it is always possible to improve the existing anti-terror technologies and the general tends to automatization of anti-terror systems indicate at the main trend in the perspective development of anti-terror technologies where the risk of ‘human factor’ would be minimized. Nonetheless, till the present moment it is hardly possible to speak about the total solution of the problem of terrorism. Naturally, such a situation cannot contribute to the normal development of business and economy of many countries. It is necessary to remember that terrorism undermines socio-economic stability and creates conditions for social chaos. Moreover, terror attack often results in economic crisis that may affect either some industries or economy at large. As a result, stable socio-economic life of societies suffering from terror attack is in great danger and in such a situation the perspectives of the further implementation of new anti-terror technologies are particularly important. On the other hand, there would hardly be created any technology that could totally prevent the possibility of terror attack while the solution of the problem of terrorism prevention still remains of a paramount importance. Speaking about the solution of the problem of terrorism as a new form of war, it should be said that the problem may be solved only in a global scale. For instance, the US in response to terror attacks the country declared the War on Terror. Extremist Arab terrorist and their followers became the enemy number one for Americans as the terrorist organization Al Qaeda was declared to be the main organizer of the terror attacks. However, such measures are insufficient since in order to prevent terrorism it is necessary to prevent its causes, notably to prevent the polarization of the society and the world at large, while the War on Terror is regarded by many international specialists as the mean to pursue American aggressive policies. Obviously its effectiveness is low because violence breeds violence and probably, the authors of Human Rights Watch Report 2004 are, to certain extent, right by saying that â€Å"governments and armed groups have launched a war on global values, destroying the human rights of ordinary people† and furthermore â€Å"Amnesty International strongly condemned armed groups responsible for atrocities such as the March 11 bombing in Madrid and the bomb attack on the United Nations building in Iraq on 19 August 2003†¦ But it also frightening that the principles of international law and the tools of multilateral action which could protect us from these attacks are being unde rmined, marginalized or destroyed by powerful governments† (Parker and Fellner 2004:32; 41-42). So, now it would be logically to analyze what could be done in order to prevent further terror attacks and discuss the possible development of the War on terror. Certainly, some military operations are necessary but they should be accompanied by real attempts to deprive terrorists from their basis, from support of not only extremists-millionaires but also from the support of average people all over the world, particularly in poor country where terrorists have quite strong positions. The terrorism may be defeated only when the gap, the frontier that divides rich, well-developed countries and poor countries, which are often exploited by richer ones, disappears. As long as the current policy continues the situation could be radically changed for better because now we observe the growing dissatisfaction of deprived nations that suffer from poverty and injustice, including social inequality. Naturally, such positions provokes protests from the part of marginalized people and, being unable to improve their social and economic situation in an open war, they use methods of terror and frightening in order to achieve their goals and realize their hopes for better life for them. However, we see that such methods are unacceptable for both sides, for terrorists and for those who are their targets. That is why the US, the leading and richest country in the modern world, together with other well-developed countries should work on the problem how to overcome poverty in the whole world, particularly in the countries of the third world, as well as they should better control the spread of the newest weapon and technologies that would prevent such possible in future catastrophes as the use of dirty bomb, biological or chemical weapon. But that is the task that could be fulfilled by common efforts of all countries in the world, it also demands governments to have a certain political wil l to help the most deprived regardless some local problems that, in my personal opinion, is one of the strongest obstacles on the way to defeat terrorism. Conclusion Thus, in conclusion, it should be said that the contemporary world faces the threat of terrorism and comes prepared to protect civilians from the repeat of the most severe terror attacks and the role of anti-terror technologies is very important in this respect. At the same time, it necessary to say that the solutions mentioned above may be criticized and probably there would be much more supporters of the idea that only military operations can prevent terror war but their effectiveness are quite doubtful. At the same time, mankind cannot ignore the problem of terror attacks because nowadays it is a real war and if the solution of this problem is not found the consequences will be terrible for the global society because it is evident that terror attacks, even though they occur in some countries, effect directly the whole world and elimination of national borders and barriers between countries, spread of new technologies and media make all people of the world exposed to the effects of terror attacks as well as the spread of terrorism also acquires global character. Consequently, if the problem of terrorism is unsolved the perspective of the chaos in the whole world provoked by terror attacks is getting to be quite real. Bibliography: Beverly, A. â€Å"Talking â€Å"Terrorism†: Ideologies and Paradigms of a Post-Modern World.† Syracuse Journal of Int’l Law and Commerce, Spring 1996. DiGiovanni, C. â€Å"Domestic Terrorism with Chemical or Biological Agents: Psychiatric Aspects.† American Journal of Psychiatry, 156, 1999. Hamblen, J. What Are the Traumatic Stress Effects of Terrorism? New York: New Publishers, 2003. Kortunov, A. Sources of International Crises After the End of the Cold War. New York: New Publishers, 1994. Levi, M.A. â€Å"Preventing Nuclear and Biological Terrorism.† The Brooklings Institutions, Oct. 24, 2003. Parker, A. and Fellner, J. â€Å"Above the Law: Executive Power after September 11 in the United States.† World Report 2004, Human Rights Watch, Jan. 2004. Smith, D. et al. â€Å"Population Effects of the Bombing of Oklahoma City.† Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association, 82, 1999.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Managing Open Door Policies

MANAGING OPEN DOOR POLICIES By Tina M. Liljedahl Tina Liljedahl is a marketing and business consultant who has over 10 years of experience in leadership development with an emphasis on improving communication in the workplace. Open door policies are designed to increase communication by providing a safe and secure way for employees to voice concerns, resolve issues, and provide new ideas. In my work as a business consultant, I have specifically noticed the increase of this trend in industries that rely on creativity, such as software companies, marketing, and IT companies; as well as industries that pride themselves on a servant leadership atmosphere such as human resources companies and consulting firms.   According to Hewlett-Packard   (2015), their open door policy is â€Å"open communication in an environment of trust and mutual respect that creates a solid foundation for collaboration, growth, high performance and success across HP.† However, in consulting with companies over the last 10 years, I have also discovered even companies with the best intending leadership can fall into three major traps of the open door policy: damaged trust, ill prepared management, and inefficient work days. Likewise, I have witnessed first hand companies that avoided these pitfalls by bringing a little more awareness, and clear communication to their strategy. As a result, they successfully implemented effective open door policies. 1. Damaged Trust You want your employees to tell you if they have concerns or issues and share their ideas; that’s why the open door policy is so appealing. However, if an employee feels he or she isn’t taken seriously; it will not only damage his or her trust and behavioral integrity, that lack of trust will spread like cancer throughout your organization. Research shows that when there is a trust violation in the workplace that is left unresolved, it will create a downward negative effect on the overall morale of the company (Savolainen, Lopez-Fresno, Ikonen,  2014). Solution: Keep in mind employers who respond respectfully, and follow up with action will foster an environment of trust. Actively listening to the employee, providing him or her your full attention by shutting your door or stepping into a conference room, and putting email, cell phones, and work aside will show the employee you are taking the issue seriously.   Repeating the problem or idea back in your own words will ensure that you and your employee are on the same page and will reassure your employee that you do understand. Be sure to let employees know how you will be taking action, even if the action is to follow up in a day or so to make sure the employee is feeling better about an issue.   Then, follow up on your promises. Employers who do what they say they will do, when they said they will do it, have employees who will go to bat for them every time. That is because, as The Journal of Economic Behavior Organization revealed, employees who trust their management actually exhibit higher levels of workplace performance (Brown, Gray, McHardy, 2015). 2. Ill-Prepared Management When employees are told they can come to management for anything, rest assured they will! Employees may not turn to human resources like they did before, or they may sidestep their direct manager and seek out someone higher up in the company.   So, everyone needs to be prepared. Management that is ill prepared to handle the type of employee interaction they receive could lead to embarrassment for the employee and the manager, or even legal ramifications.   For example, an estimated 2 percent-5 percent of individuals in the United States are transgender, totaling between five and 12 million individuals (Hendrick, 2015).   With recent media attention on the subject, it is likely that businesses will experience a rise in the number of individuals who choose to openly live this lifestyle and have specific needs as it relates to gender identification, bathroom usage, and informing colleagues (Hendrick, 2015). Solution: Open door policies really work best when department managers and the hierarchy of matrix organizations are working together.   Soft-skills and communication training, along with educating management on how and when to go to Human Resources with an issue, can aid management in side-stepping uncomfortable situations and avoiding legal actions. Large firms may have a training and employee development team that works in the Human Resources department with the expertise on the best way to train management on issues such as cultural diversity, harassment policies in the workplace, and the basic state and federal laws Of course, if your company does not have this type of resource readily available, I encourage you to seek out a Human Resources outsourcing company to train management on these issues.   It’s definitely an investment that could save the company in the future. In addition to ensuring your management is trained properly, having your open door policy clearly and thoroughly documented and providing managers with a copy is a way to reinforce the expectations on how to respond to employees. 3. Open Door Policies Can Lead to Inefficiencies. Because an open door policy’s very nature is to encourage communication and the ability for an employee to speak with management at anytime, it can lead to an unfocused and unproductive day for management (Yates, 2015). Open office work areas without doors leave managers especially vulnerable to unending daily interruptions (Yates, 2015). Solution: Let’s be realistic, you hired your managers to complete a specific job and oversee the department, not act as on-going mediation service.   Deadlines and projects are still important and vital to their role, and a stressed-out manager will not be good at managing or as a sounding board for employees. Managers are most successful in retaining productivity when they communicate clearly with their staff about their needs to get projects completed.   Managers can do this by sharing calendars and blocking off time that is to be uninterrupted, or having a cue they share with employees that means they are focused on a project (such as, â€Å"When I am wearing headphones, I am focused on project xyz†). They can emphasize and assure the staff they will be available to address basic concerns later at a specific time, making sure the employees know they can always be interrupted for emergencies.   This provides employees with the knowledge they need to allow managers to work without feeling like they are being dismissed. Your employees will be receptive to the information and will genuinely understand your request. Its recommended that communication with employees be handled in advance as much as possible and never directly after an employees request. This will diminish the chance the employee will feel as though their concerns are being dismissed. With precaution, most open-door policy dangers can be avoided making the policy more beneficial than harmful. I have observed companies that reap the most benefits ensure their open-door policies are well documented, clear, communicated to everyone in the organization, and management is educated and prepared.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Research Paper Prohibition

Research Paper Prohibition Research Paper Prohibition Mary Louise Cecilia Guinan otherwise known as "Texas," by the state she was from was an actress and singer in the late 19th and early 20th Century. This gal was the operator of many ritzy speakeasies, though it could never be proven. She became a model for the others, as she was the best female in the business, no matter how many times the coppers shut down the drums, more would be established. Prohibition was a law that the U.S. should have never put into place because the younger generation became very rebellious, moral values dissipated, and society took a turn for the worst. Leading up to the Prohibition Era, World War I had recently ended. The economy was terrible at the conclusion of the war, however, it improved a little bit as people no longer had to be afraid of something happening, and their family members were now home. As the economy was improving, women also won the vote. Many women during this time wanted equality and to be able to vote just as the men, and t hey finally won after all they had been fighting for. Soon, there were not only restrictions on alcohol, but the selling of "intoxicating liquors" became illegal. Alcohol otherwise known as liquor is a drug, which affects how a person feels and behaves, and can be dangerous when too much is consumed. The Eighteenth Amendment prohibited the making or selling of these intoxicating liquors, and as of January 16, 1920, alcohol was prohibited in the United States. The old ­line conservative Americans were fine with the alcohol regulations after the war, however, the young people were more comfortable with alcohol. The prohibition of alcohol is one of the reasons that the young people became rebellious. This rebelliousness was more geared toward the females, rather than the males. The females created the "flapper," a name that is associated with a certain look. A flapper is a girl with short skirts or dresses, and even shorter hair. The hair was cut into the bob hairstyle. This was not something that was traditional for a female during this time as usually they had shoulder ­length or longer hair that was pinned up. The clothing was also an act of rebellion geared toward the females in America. The dresses were made to be showy, straight, and hanging just below the knee. The everyday young woman became like a

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Global Health-Improving Access to Health Care and Medication Essay

Global Health-Improving Access to Health Care and Medication - Essay Example The global access to health has been impacted significantly by social and environmental factors that yield marked differences in health status (Collins 2003, p.97). As a result, the core focus centers on understanding and intervening within the underpinning causes of health inequity. The World Health Organization has outlined a number of indicators for health access, namely: life expectancy and mortality; health service coverage; selected infectious diseases; risk factors; health expenditure; health inequities; health information systems and data availability; and, demographic and socioeconomic statistics. The inequalities in global access to health do not only manifest between countries, but also within countries and closely associate with the level of social disadvantage (Gulliford & Morgan 2003, p.3). The Case for Health Disparities Health disparities remain broadly defined as variations in disease prevalence or treatment based on aspects such as sex, race, or ethnicity, income, e ducation attainment, geographic location, or sexual orientation. Health disparities adversely impact on groups of people, who systematically encounter enhanced socio-economic impediments to health based on their racial/ethnic group, socioeconomic status, age, gender, sexual orientation, geographic location, gender identity, or other characteristics associated with discrimination or exclusion (Mullins, Blatt, Gbarayor, Yang, & Baquet 2005, p.1873). Globally, several efforts directed at highlighting and minimizing health disparities that have involved numerous agencies as they evaluate the countries’ march towards adoption of policy-driven and health-centred objectives. Despite the changes implemented over the last decades, health disparities around the world still exist, especially among the minority groups. The Journal of the American Medical Association highlights race as a critical determinant within the level of care, whereby ethnic minority groups frequently receive less intensive and lower care. Health disparities are also not pegged on race, ethnic, and cultural differences alone as such disparities remain also fuelled by the sexuality minority groups. Studies manifest that an individual’s sexual minority status may restrain access to health care. In some cases, the homosexuals, transgender groups, and bisexual population perpetually experience the diverse range of health access problems connected to their sexuality. The discrimination and minimized access to medical care, coupled with social and cultural experiences aggravate these problems (Collins 2003, p.98). In terms of gender, women in the U.S usually manifest better access to healthcare compared to men. This can be explained by the fact that women mainly have higher rates of health insurance and report enhanced likelihood to seek medical care. Although, gender and race play a critical role in explaining healthcare inequality within the U.S., socioeconomic status bears the greatest de termining factor in shaping an individual’s level of access to healthcare. Indeed, socio-economic differences manifest between racial groups and impacts on the health status of the groups (Bravemen 2006, p.167). Overall, the reasons for disparities in healthcare access are numerous, but can encompass lack of insurance coverage; lack of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ralph Nader's book unsafe at any speed Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Ralph Nader's book unsafe at any speed - Essay Example The book itself outlines in the title that people are unsafe at any speed they drive at. What is notable strange in the act of taking these safety measures is that even though others are effective, others are not effective at all; or even liked to the occurrence of accidents. Automobile industry is made up of profit making companies. For this to be possible revenue must be maximized, and costs must be minimized. Installing inbuilt features to add safety to drivers, especially in a case that they were not incorporated in the previous designs, meant that it was a move that only added cost to the production. No manufacturer embraces added costs and if it obliged, the companies had to look for other measures to cub the cost. According to this fact, the reason to some feature’s ineffectiveness is the use of cheap material and technology to design and manufacture them. Companies only make cheap safety features that only appealed the buyer’s perception but having little to protect them in case of accidents. The worst part of it all is that the customers trust the features and are not ready to take extra precautions, which further put the in more risk with accidents. Safety features in motor vehicles alone cannot help in reducing the general prevalence of deadly accidents. There are other factors that need to be observed in order to compliment safety measures in providing safety to both motor vehicle occupants and non-occupants (National Academy, 2000). Rules and policies should be enacted in respective countries to help cub motor vehicle accidents. When people only depend on safety measures to give them road safety, they are not doing themselves any favours, but exposing themselves to even more accidents. Relevant authorities should look into this issue other than only supporting the use of safety measures. Road accidents do not always involve single sides, but are

Sunday, November 17, 2019

How can leaders increase employee productivity through motivation Essay

How can leaders increase employee productivity through motivation techniques and approaches - Essay Example There is overwhelming amount of literature based on studies conducted by various researchers over the years which point to the fact that over and above the conventional motivation techniques and practices which mainly involve financial motivation such as higher pay packages, bonuses etc. contemporary leaders are increasingly focusing on developing innovative motivation techniques. This study aims to assess and examine the various factors which leaders can use to motivate their employees, the significance and relevance of motivation, and the role of leaders in motivating employees. This is achieved through an extensive literature review – comprising of theoretical perspectives, case studies and meta-analysis. The results revealed that there is a direct and positive relationship between motivation and employee performance and productivity. On the basis of this study it is recommended that organizations and leaders introduce innovative motivational strategies and practices and constantly challenge the employees to help them stay motivated. â€Å"In motivating people, youve got to engage their minds and their hearts. It is good business to have an employee feel part of the entire effort . . . ; I motivate people, I hope, by example—and perhaps by excitement, by having provocative ideas to make others feel involved.† Human resource is one of the most critical and integral part of an organization. It has been observed that a talented pool of highly motivated workers plays a key role in steering an organization towards successful accomplishment of its goals (Sims, 2002; Wiley, 2010; Daft and Marcic, 2010; Frey and Osterloh, 2002). Hence it is imperative for managers to ensure that the employees are managed effectively and adequately motivated to ensure better performance and productivity. Enhancing employee performance and productivity entails provision of adequate training and education to the workers, ensuring a positive work environment, and

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Market Audit And Preliminary Marketing Plan Marketing Essay

The Market Audit And Preliminary Marketing Plan Marketing Essay The market audit and preliminary marketing plan is prepared to inspect lunching the SOLO in Afghanistan. It has been based on the market analysis such as socio-cultural and economic analysis of Afghanistan and also, determines how to stable to launch the SOLO product, which is target market and how to be adapted to fit into Afghanistan market as well as determine the competitors. Based on this analysis, preliminary marketing plan has been prepared to determine the marketing mix. Firstly, the product, SOLO is a brand of a carbonated lemon-flavored soft drink. Sports drink is necessary in Afghanistan where dry desert are. The product may be accepted by some kinds of people, including young Afghans who have been affected by western culture, the foreign workers and the members of international military which stationed in Afghanistan. Solo as a new health soft drink will be known and chose. This soft drink (SOLO) will be sold in capital area at first. In this area, not only the people have stronger purchasing power, but also there are many foreign officers and businessmen working and living in capital area. In addition, this product will start out in the region of stress concentration of foreign companies, hotels, bars, famous restaurants then move to local retailers. This product will also be sold by other middlemen. Roshan Cola Company is a local Mineral Water and Carbonated Soft Drink manufacturer. We will corporation with Roshan then our product can use its marketing channels and share the market range. The competition of Afghanistans beverage market is not intense competition and our product can own a large market in Afghanistan, but still got many competitors such as Coca-Cola. The goal for SOLO is to entry into the Afghan several main cities, around capital city- Kabul to successfully enter the Afghan market, to achieve a 10% market share within the first step and to promote to a large consumer a taste of this product (Soft drink not only cola).This product will attract new customers (Foreigners and locals) for the soft drink. The target markets are the hot summertime cities and arid conditions, where Afghan people indicate a huge market for clean and refreshing non-alcoholic beverages (Non-drinker for religious reasons). Expected sales in 2010 will be approximately AU$ 80 million with increases expected. The first year is the repair year, due to the highest cost associated with setting up the requirements. Follow the sales operating and distribution systems start to work, in the following years, the profit expectations will be higher step by step. The product will be adapted to fit the market in Afghanistan. These adaptations include the packaging, bottling size, color and so on. We will sell paper cup and glass packaging in Afghanistan that does not sell in Australia to reduce cost and keep the price low. Advertising will be the first show in a new market and also the first choice for a company to communicate with potential customers. The main advertising plan is to use television, radio, internet, newspapers and billboards. The other way of TV advertisements is in a form of product placement. In addition, we will use two types of sales promotion which are trade sales promotion and consumer sales promotion. Moreover, we also use personal selling method and other promotional tools. Distribution will include transportation by shipping, flight and motor carrying from Perth to Kabul. The product will be sold in the outlet of Roshan Cola Company and variety of other retail outlets which is a local agent who is familiar with local conditions is very necessary to sales in Afghanistan such as hotels/ resorts, restaurants, convenience store and vending machine. Finally, pro forma financial statements and budget has been prepared to demonstrate its evaluated profits and sales with expenses in the first year to the fifth year. Profit expectation will be lower in the first year due to the highest costs with additional resources for set up. Over five years, profit and sales will significantly increase with reducing distribution costs. As a result, the launch of SOLO into the Afghanistan market has to be successful with better profit for the SOLO Company. Market Audit Introduction Following is the afghan socio-cultural and economic analysis. It may be helpful to solo entering the afghan market successfully. Socio-cultural analysis -Geography: Afghanistan is an inland country in Southwestern and borders with Pakistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and China. It is dry to semiarid and cold in winter and hot in summer (Afghanistans web site [ACC], n.d.). Plateau and mountainous make up 2/3 of 647,500 sq km land. Moreover, there is a wide range of desert in this country (Saba Bakhter, 1997). -Education literacy rates: Afghans valued religious education instead of science, technology and literature studies in the past. At present, 54 thousand children are studying in school. However, there have been 11 million illiterates in Afghanistan (Qazi, 2008). -Health care: According to Blood (2001), there is a high mortality rate of infants and pregnant women. Moreover, the health of afghan children is threatened by the several of infectious and parasitic diseases. And still worse, the long war leads to the thousands of injuries and damages of medical facilities. On the other hand, many international organizations help Afghans improve the basic preventive and curative primary health services. -Political legal system: Afghanistan is an Islamic Republic, and the major constitution is established according to Islamic law. However, there is not a uniform legal system in Afghanistan because of the long war. (Lau, n.d.). -Language: Pashto and Dari are the major official languages of Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, 35% of people speak Pashto and 50% of people speak Dari. Moreover, Turkic languages, including Uzbek and Turkmen, are the main languages too in Afghanistan (Qazi, n.d.). Economic analysis -Population: An estimated data of the population of Afghanistan in 2003 is 23,897,000 and the annual growth rate of Afghan population is 3.88% between 2000 and 2005. However, these data is unsure because the long civil war leads to the large numbers of death and emigrants (Afghanistan-Population, n.d.). -Gross domestic product: Agriculture is the main revenue source. A large amount of food products, including corn, rice, barley, wheat, vegetables, fruits and nuts, offer the opportunities of export. In addition, the natural mineral has been the main economic pillar industries (Qazi, 2010). -Foreign investment: In present, only some companies are investing public transport and infrastructure, such as telecommunications, express delivery and aviation, because of the long war in Afghanistan (Herold, 2003). On the other hand, a trillion dollars worth of minerals, including copper, iron, chromium, magnesium, rubies, emeralds, lapis lazuli, nickel, mercury, gold, silver, lithium, and uranium, are found in Afghanistan in June 2010. In addition, many countries have been aware of the opportunity of investment in Afghanistan. (Haidari, 2010). -Trade restrictions: A highly differentiated import tariff regime has been the main trade restrictions in Afghanistan. Though the government of Afghanistan has made some measures, such as adjusting the tariff rates and decreasing the process of the import license applications, to improve trade policy and customs administration in recent years, some problems are affecting the trades: firstly, the shortcoming of government leads to the weakness of business environment; secondly, transport and other infrastructural constraint the trade; thirdly, the main support services, such as commercial insurance and freight forwarding are lacking; fourthly, government restraint against the use of foreign trucks; fifthly, the local authorities increase the fee of transport; and finally, some complex customs checks are frequently in some problematic border areas (Afghanistan: Trade Policy and Integration, 2010). The product Solo is a brand of a carbonated lemon-flavored soft drink. Schweppes Australia launched this soft drink as a sports drink in 1973. Schweppes Australia defines it as masculine drink and cooperates with AFL (Australia Football League) perennially. Moreover, it has had 6 variants: Regular Lemon, Lemon Lime, Solo Sub (no added sugar), Solo Strong, guarana and caffeine (Solo (soft drink), n.d.). Evaluation the product as an innovation Sports drink is necessary in Afghanistan where dry desert are. The product may be accepted by some kinds of people, including young Afghans who have been affected by western culture, the foreign workers and the members of international military which stationed in Afghanistan. Solo as a new health soft drink will be known and chose. Advantage Solo could help drinkers replenish lost water and energy after a lot of movement. It is health because the materials of solo are all natural and it do not include too much cocaine. In addition, different flavors of solo drinks are for different people and the cheaper price is the main reason of the choice of many people. Relative advantage Firstly, solo as a sports drink will be liked by the young Afghans who like sports. Moreover, it is a good choice for the workers in desert. Furthermore, the product from Australia should attract the international garrison, especially Australian soldiers. In addition, it is beneficial to Afghan government because import of solo could relieve water shortage. Compatibility Firstly, the sport enthusiasts and soldiers could accept solo quickly. Moreover, Afghanistan is a large drink market because of the lack of water. In addition, Coca-Cola and Pepsi have been known by Afghans and the soft drink market has been developing gradually. As a result, solo will have a favorable market prospect in Afghanistan. Major problems and resistances to product The flavor with little sour may be not liked by Afghans. Because of the different culture, Afghans might reject the products from western. As a result, Afghans could not accept the new comer western drink at the beginning. The price of solo might be not accepted by most of Afghans who have only low income. As a result, it becomes very important that company need to discuss with Afghan government to reduce the costs of transport and tariff. The market This soft drink (SOLO) will be sold in capital area at first. In this area, not only the people have stronger purchasing power, but also there are many foreign officers and businessmen working and living in capital area. According to Afghan economy position and internal transportation condition, this will slowly move into the general population in Afghanistan. Describe the market(s) in which the product is to be sold This soft drink will be served in Afghanistan capital area (tropical area and dry) where have more and more foreign officers and international businessmen entry Afghanistan, to implement post-war reconstruction and partake The UN economic aid program. Geographical region(s) -Capital city: Kabul (200, 0000 populations) -Paghman region: Paghman (15, 0000 populations) -Jalalabad region: Jalalabad (20, 5000 populations) Kabul province is made up of 14 districts; Paghman is a part of it. Jalalabad is a main city in Afghanistan Form of transportation and communication available in that region -In Kabul city: There is the nation biggest international airport in Kabul. The airport is connected to Kabul from a 4 lane highway. This airport has two main cargo airline operate by Emirates Sky Cargo and Etihad Crystal Cargo (operated by World Airways), communicate among Afghanistan, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah. Follow by the post-war reconstruction; throughput will be expanded in 2011, which is when Ariana Afghan Airlines and Kam Air will receive their new airplanes. Trucks are the best choice to transport goods from airport to another district, or to the other cities of this area. In several years, Afghan government, with the help of foreign companies or organizations, has working on many of Kabuls roads. During the war, many Kabuls roads have been broken, but follow the attracted the attention of international society, Kabul gets more and more help from many countries to rebuild the highways and main roads in Kabul city. ( -Paghman region: There is a popular place near Kabul, Paghman garden is the very famous place where people relax and spend weekends with families and friends. Paghman is a village used to be a royal garden. But now is open to the public. Because this area is so close to the Kabul city and also there is a holiday resort and beauty spot. The transportation is convenient; trucks can though this area and the roads condition can be accepted. -Jalalabad region: There is a very important place in Afghanistan, there is connected by roads with Kabul and Peshawar in Pakistan. There has highway between the city of Jalalabad and Kabul. All the trade between the two nations (Afghanistan and Pakistan) passes through this city. Highway transportation will be served in this area. All of the regions have highways linking the Kabul International Airport. Follow post-war reconstruction, get more and more help from developed countries to improve and maintain the road infrastructure. Currently, at least 22 Internet Service Providers giving their services in Afghanistan. ( In 2007 there were at least 535000 users, mostly in the capital area. At the same time, Television and Radio are served in Afghanistan, they have English TV programs and English Radio programs and several different languages programs (Kabul Radio). The table shows internet users in Afghanistan around several years: ( n.p 2010) Consumer buying habits Soft drink, especially soda drink is bought as a very famous recreational beverage in many years. Different cultures people have the same habit that drink the icy soda drink in summertime. The carbon dioxide in soda drink can bring out human body quantity heat by hiccup. Afghanistan is a four distinct seasons country, in summer there is hot and dry. Follow by post-war reconstruction many foreign officers and businessmen entry Afghanistan, drinking soda drink is in their culture. And this habit will affect local population in the years that followed. Almost Afghan are Muslim, they do not drink beer and alcohol. Soda will be the second welcome recreational beverage in their society behind tea drink. Product-use patterns -Foreigners: consume the product as part of the daily experience and holiday experience. Due to the locations and season chosen, the heat associated with these areas it will be used for cooling down and quenching consumers thirst. In Kabul area is hot in summer and owing to the geographic reason this area is dry. -Locals: consume the product as part of the holiday experience. Due to the religion reason almost Afghan do not drink beer and alcohol drink. The product can be as a recreational beverage into their culture and also can be consumed any day or on special occasions. Product feature preferences This preference in Afghanistan for can and small bottom also can be in glass bottom in some cases to reduce cost. The 6 cans package and 24 cans box will be sold in supermarket and other retailers shop. Soda drink can be bought for storage at home or in offices. For convenience stores, glass bottom and paper cup will be welcomed because the price will be lower. Shopping habits Foreigners who come from China, America and Europe would most likely buy the product for work or outdoor activities that are chilled for drinking in offices or during hikes to somewhere. The product will be for cooling down and relaxing on their free time. Locals will buy chilled packs for cooling down or later consumption with dinner. Convenience stores or supermarket will be the most likely place they could buy the soft drink. Festivals and family parties will increase consumption of the product. Distribution of the product Owing to the natural of the dissemination from foreigners to locals this product will start out in the region of stress concentration of foreign companies, hotels, bars, famous restaurants then move to local retailers. Typical retail outlets Types: Plans: Hotels Bars Beginning: Will sell in main hotels and bars, where foreigners usually stay. Glass bottom and can package will be sold. Supermarkets retailers Second wave: Will sell 6 cans package and 24 cans packages in local supermarkets, for foreigners and locals later consumption. Convenience stores and kiosks Expanding to the local market and demand pulls the product through the channel, it is long range plan. Vending machines A part of second wave, main put in expatriates communities and foreign offices. Airports and train stations Target for the tourists (both foreign and local). Service stations in scenic spots as well. Product sales by other middlemen Roshan Cola Company is a local Mineral Water and Carbonated Soft Drink manufacturer. We will corporation with Roshan then our product can use its marketing channels and share the market range. Due to Roshan Company is from Afghanistan, it deeply understands the local market and we will provide more competitive ability products. ( Advertising and promotion Advertising media usually used to reach your target market(s) Will be used television advertising on local TV channels both in local language channels and English channels will be painted in conjunction billboards by side of highway and on the side of houses. In some areas, taxi advertising will be used too. Sales promotions customarily used Sampling and discount are the main types used in soft drink industry. Pricing strategy Customer mark-ups The Afghan inflation rate (consumer prices) is 20.7% in 2008 and 30.5% in 2009. ( Types of discounts available Discounts can be as high as 10% in summer and as high as 15% in winter, depends on different season. Compare and contrast your product and the competitions product(s) Competitors products Brand name The competition of Afghanistans beverage market is not intense competition. Our product can own a large market in Afghanistan, but still got many competitors. Such as Coca-Cola, Coca-cola is the most famous beverage company in the world. In 2005, Coca-cola came back to Afghanistan beverage market, and it cooperation with Habib Gulzar Non-Alcoholic Beverages Firm. Coca-cola became to domestic product. Features Coca-Cola is carbonic acid beverage as same as our product, but it is different taste and different area. Afghanistan is a large market. Different customers have different habits. Our products can be chosen by different people, although Solo and Coca-Cola are competitors. Package Coca-Cola got two types package, such as Pop Can and Plastic bottle. Also it got 375ML, 2Lites and 500ML for capacity. When Coca-Cola back to Afghanistan, it wrote: Coca-Cola back to Afghanistan. in 2005. Competitors prices Before 2005, Afghanistan sold Coca-Cola were import from Iran and Pakistan. At that time, the price of Coca-cola is 0.4 USD, but when Coca-Cola produced in domestic. The price decrease to 0.2 USD to sale in Afghanistan. Competitors promotion and advertising methods Coca-cola Company is a large company around the world. They used their forces to impact customers. Beverage companies always use TV, radio and internet advertising to advertise their products. It was so famous when Coca-Cola back to Afghanistan. Media support also a important way to improve brand force. That will lead people to choose which beverage to drink. Competitors distribution channels Coca-colas distribution channel is use every retail shop and supermarket to selling their product, because Coca-cola is a famous company in the world. Most of shops and supermarkets are willing to sell it. Vending machine is also another distribution channels, also include hotel and bars. Market size Estimated industry sales for the planning year The Afghanistan beverage market has been steadily growing over the last fewer years. Before Coca-cola company moving in to Afghanistan. Afghanistan already had a large population like drink beverages. Afghanistan has 33million population, most of goods need import from other countries include beverage, so build a factory and sell it domestic is the best way to selling our product. Estimated sales for your company for the planning year Compare with the Coca-Cola company sale their product. They planned 4 million boxes to sale in each year. We cannot sale so many like Coca-Cola Company, but as we think 1 million boxes in each year is the first target. In the follow years each year increase 10% until as same as Coca-cola. Government participation in the marketplace Agencies that can help you Assistance with launching the Solo beverage brand in Afghanistan may be sought from some of the following agencies: Embassy of Afghanistan Ministry of Commerce Industries (MoCI) Ministry of Finance (MoF) Afghan Customs Department (Division of MoF) Afghanistan Reconstruction and Development Service (ARDS) Department of Commerce Afghanistan Investment Reconstruction Task Force Department of State Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Afghan Desk Department of State United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Australian Embassy ( Regulation you must follow Our company must follow Government Policy. Customs brokers must be employed to process any products imported into Afghanistan and are to submit an Import Declaration to Customs. The importer needs to be registered on the Treasury Ministrys National Importers Registry and in the case of beverages; importers must also be registered on the Registry of Importers in Specific Sectors and the Federal Taxpayers. Taxes also need to submit to government. Preliminary Marketing Plan The marketing plan In todays Afghanistan, consumer demand will remain unfulfilled, as available imports are often of expensive, poor quality, or both. Simplex product form will remain unfulfilled Afghan consumers at all. The market for soft drink is exceptionally large in capital city area of approximately 380,000 people, where temperatures can often over 40C in the summertime. Marketing objectives The goal for SOLO is to entry into the Afghan several main cities, around capital city- Kabul. This product will attract new customers (Foreigners and locals) for the soft drink. To successfully enter the Afghan market To achieve a 10% market share within the first step To promote to a large consumer a taste of this product (Soft drink not only cola) Target market(s) (specific description of the market) The target markets are the hot summertime cities and arid conditions, where Afghan people indicate a huge market for clean and refreshing non-alcoholic beverages (Non-drinker for religious reasons). Expected sales year 2010-2015 Expected sales in 2010 will be approximately AU$ 80 million with increases expected. Follow the first couple of years when it finds its place in Afghanistan, for instance, consumers begin to know this brand and fall in love with the taste, through the product advertising. Expected sales for the first five years are as the table: Year Sales in AU dollar 2010 80 million 2011 120 million 2012 200 million 2013 240 million 2014 280 million Profit expectations year 2010-2014 The first year profit expectations will be lowest; the first year is the repair year, due to the highest cost associated with setting up the requirements. Follow the sales operating and distribution systems start to work, in the following years, the profit expectations will be higher step by step. Years Profit in AU dollar 2010 3.8 million 2011 28million 2012 42 million 2013 56 million 2014 70 million Market penetration and coverage The capital city-Kabul will be targeted heavily, owing to its position and population and foreigners collection location. At the same time, there is resort area that attracts local and tourists. Product adaptation or modification The product will be adapted to fit the market in Afghanistan. These adaptations include the packaging, bottling size, color and so on. We will sell paper cup and glass packaging in Afghanistan that does not sell in Australia to reduce cost and keep the price low. The smaller bottling size is a great size for the forgeries and locals for lunch or dinner, and also for outdoor activities, easy to carry. Core component The core component of SOLO is soda, sugar and fruit flavors. There are 4 variants of this product: original lemon, lemon lime, solo strong and solo sub (sugar free). The latest addition is solo strong and also, it is energy drink which contains guarana and caffeine. This variant is to fit in with male consumers who like energy drink. In the other hand SOLO SUB is to fit in female consumers who do not like sugar. Packing component The products label must have the following information, both in Afghan and English: Brand name of the product Type of product (carbonated beverage/energy drink/Moslem drink) Country of origin Company name and address Company Slogan Nutrition information table (especially alcohol-free) Short introduction of Company Net content Support services component We will set a support service line in the form of an 1800 number (Toll-free telephone number) for consumers. At the same time, our home page (Afghan) will create an area for consumers feedback with any problems or advices. The number and web address will be clearly identified on the packaging. Promotion mix Advertising Advertising will be the first show in a new market and also the first choice for a company to communicate with potential customers. Advertising can send the information quickly to the audiences and has a huge reach. It always accesses the mass media and makes affection in short time. Advertising can develop market and reinforces the brand and helps us sells our products. The main advertising plan is to use television, radio, internet, newspapers and billboards. After economic analysis and research, television is the highest used media in Afghanistan. Not like internet, on TV set can be watched by one person or whole families. The number of the audiences can be huge and the affection will be deeply. The other way of TV advertisements is in a form of product placement. Placing the product advertisements before or behind the news or others TV programs (sports or cartoon) will increase the reach for our product. Game on is the theme for SOLOs advertisements, it is a free lifestyle, to educate the target market on happiness and passion. The other form of advertising used will be billboards. There is a great form of outdoor advertising which is use a painting on building envelopes and beside the freeways where they command high-density consumer exposure. The radio advertising is a form of advertising via radio. Local radios in Afghanistan have big range of audiences, both foreigners and locals (Radios have English programs). The newspaper and magazine advertisements will be a continuation of the television and radio advertisements using pictures. The internet advertisements as well to put in this market by the follow step. Objectives To let consumers (foreigners who are not Australian and locals) understanding our product and fall in love with it (Taste and this lifestyle). To make an impact in the target market in those cities we have chosen to promote SOLO, using different media. Not only promote the product but also promote the Australian lifestyle- Game on (happiness and passion, especially for locals). Media mix First step we will use TV advertisements to open the market, make consumers to know us. Radio and billboards are the second step to make consumers understand what we provide that not only just soft drink but also a lifestyle. Internet is the auxiliary channel to expand the market range. Four different media will work together. Message The information will send to consumers clearly. We promote a lifestyle which called Game on. Let consumers feel happy and fill with passion. Sales promotions There are two types of sales promotions: Trade sales promotion and consumer sales promotion. Trade sales promotion is known to push the products through the retailers, induce retailers into stocking and supporting certain products. Consumer sales promotion attempts to pull a response from consumers give directly to consumers to encourage them into action. The trade sales promotion strategy to the selected outlets will include discounts and surrender part of the profits. In another way, push strategy used will be for staff of retailers to give them push money for not only stocking products but also supporting them. The consumer sales promotion strategy includes many tactics to induce purchasing of SOLO. The first tactic will be to sell the soft drink in glass bottle and in paper cup. This will be a popular style to sell SOLO in Afghanistan, because these packaging will reduce the cost and keep our price always lower and it is a good packaging for lunch or dinner. The second tactic is to run a redemption game is called Kick the can! The game will enable player to win an I-pod and we will put the competition show on our official website. The players have an opportunity is watched by the whole world. Objectives A push strategy to retailers by surrender part of the profits. A pull strategy to promote to new customers of offering a redemption game. Personal selling Personal selling is the face- to- face promotion of the products to the customers by agents, store employees, assistants and relations officers. It can be effective because of the persuasiveness of the sales staff that has the ability to inform a customers decision. The personal selling can be in a way by local boys who wear the sportswear (yellow jersey) to promote SOLO. Looking like the sports star in the commercials and newspaper advertisement to provide taste testing and distribute the circular. Other promotional tools The current

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The United States and Cuba: An Embargo for the Ages Essay -- Essays P

The United States and Cuba: An Embargo for the Ages Cuba’s colorful history can be documented to before the days of the American Revolution in 1776, but today, American policy directly affects many Cubans’ lifestyles because of a nearly 45-year-old trade embargo that has been placed on the island nation. It is crucial to analyze the development of Cuba and its neighboring island nations in order to discern the reasons for Cuba’s current political situation with the United States. The following paper will discuss the events that shaped Cuba and larger Caribbean nations like Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica; next, a detailed description of Cuba’s turbulent history will help in explaining the Cuban transformation into a socialist economy; then, a detailed account of the U.S. embargo on Cuba will document the ups and downs of the policy all the way to the present day; finally, the current news surrounding American-Cuban relations will depict the most recent happenings in the ongoing disputes between t he two nations. Before analyzing the situation leading up to the Cuban embargo, it is important to look at the history of the development of the Caribbean as a whole. This means analyzing the factors that led to the modern development of islands like Hispaniola (consisting of Haiti and the Dominican Republic), Jamaica, and of course Cuba. It is also essential to observe and examine the economic and social changes that resulted from these islands’ shifts from colonial outposts to independent producers. It seems important to look at all of these islands separately, as each one has its own unique background that explains its place in the world today. These islands also share many strikingly similar characteristics. Up... ...n that U.S. businessmen want to trade with Cuba. The problem lies behind the interests that drive the U.S. government, and until those interests are satisfied, it is doubtful that this embargo will go anywhere anytime soon. References Kaplowitz, Donna Rich. Anatomy of a Failed Embargo. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Alembic Chemical Works Ltd Essay

The pharmaceutical companies have to do direct marketing by necessity as they cannot advertise ethical products in layman’s media for him, but are required to promote only to the medical profession. They produce fine visual aids and product literature which could either be sent as direct mailings to the medical profession or can be delivered to them through medical representatives. The Living Legends What does one say about Lata Mangeshkar? That she has dominated the Indian film music scene for almost four decades and promises to do so for atleast another decade? That she became a legend in her own life time? That here is a musical genius which comes about just once in many centuries? One could say all these things and yet be merely repeating what has been said a million times over. And yet there is so much more to one is capturing one more vital as poet which one did not realize had existed in her. Such is the quality of her singing. Very few of those who see her at the pinnacle of her success realise the amount of effort, hard work end deprivation that have gone into building the facade which is so enviable. Born In Induce on September 28, 1929. Late Mangeshkar is the eldest in family of four sister, and a brother, all of whom have made a name in the field of music. Daughter of the noted Marathi stage actor-singer Master Dinnanath Mangeshkar, Lata revealed her musical genius at the tender age of five. Her first guru wee her own father and she avidly followed his musical stage plays. Late’s mother Mai Mangeshkar ha, one vivid memory of Lata as a child. It would seen that the young Late, one day, was singing a song from one of her father’s. plays when she bumped against something. All rushed toward the unconscious child and tried to revive her. When she came to, however, Lata continued with the singing of the song as if nothing had happened. This dedication to music led to her debut on stage. However, her father’s productive shadow was not to last for long. On April 24, 1942 Master Dinanath passed away reportedly telling her â€Å"Except for the tanpura in the corner and these notebooks filled with classical music and songs and God’s blessings. I have nothing elseto give you. â€Å"The family’spenury compelled Lata to sign a contract with MasterVinayak’s Huna Pictures as an actress-singer. In the same year,1942, she made her debut as a playback singer with Vasant Joglekar’s Kia Hasool in Marathi under the baton of shripad Nevrekar .But taking up a career as a playback singer was still impossible. She continued with her acting career, acting in Pahili Mangeshgar (Marathi 42) Chimna Sansar (Marathi43) More Bal (Marathi 43) Gajadhan (Marathi 44) Badi Mao (Hindi 45) and Mandir (Hindi 48) With Mandir Lata seemed to have reached a dead end. Mandir was Master Vinayak’s last film, after which he passed away. She was no great shakes as an actress and her career in playback singing had not really taken off. Two Years earlier she had made her debut in Hindi playback singing with Vasant Joglekar’s Aap Ki Sewa Afein under the baton of composor Dutta Dawjekar but nothing much had happened. However, stars served more benevolent. Ghulam Haider, who was then acoring the music for Majboor and who had seen and heard lata in the early. Forties, signed her up to sing a song for the film. Within a week of singing this song. Lata became the talk of the music world and was signed up by three other musical giants. Khemchand Prakash for Mahal. The most important thing is to make the mundane promotion outstanding by creative ideas. Promotion of S.S. Oberoi came out with a set of 10 four-page folders for Alcephin based on the theme ‘The Living Legends.’ The folders are extremely well-executed – well-designed and printed. The graphics and typography and illustrations are appealing. The idea is outstanding. Ten living legends are chosen and include names like Satyajit Ray (since then deceased), Mother Teresa, Baba Ainte, Lata Mangeshkar, Sunil Gavaskar, R.K. Laxman, Abdul Kalain and Shivram Karanth. Each folder deals exclusively with one legend. The selection covers a wide cross-section of interests. Each folder is well-researched. It brings out the circumstances that inspired the magic in each of them. It becomes a collector’s series. The centre-spread has the manufacturer’s plug. A short write-up on the characteristics of Alcephin and the line ‘The Legend Among Antibiotics.’ It is not intrusive at all. Yet it is effective.

Friday, November 8, 2019

A Euphemism Study on Language Deviation Essays

A Euphemism Study on Language Deviation Essays A Euphemism Study on Language Deviation Paper A Euphemism Study on Language Deviation Paper CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1. 1Background Language is a medium of communication that allows people to share things one to another as well as to express their communicative needs (Wardhaugh, 1997:07). As a social creature, human needs a tool called language to communicate to others. In communication, participants are given chance to share information and belief, exchange ideas and feelings, make plans and solve problems. Every language can create new words to describe new situation and objects. Therefore, it is not surprising that all language can change through time. However they change at different rates, at different times in response to new social, cultural, and environmental situations. The number of terms related to particular topic also may be greater or smaller depending on such social factors. The cultural environment that people grow up in can also have surprising effects on how they interpret the world around them. Language can be used according to the situation and the context where the communication takes place. In formal situation, people must use standard language, written or oral. On the contrary, people use informal language to communicate in an informal situation. It can be said that the use of language as a medium of interaction deals with who speaks, what language, to whom, when and to what end (Fishman in Chaer, 2004:15). Each language contains two systems, a system of sounds and a system of meanings. In relation to human development, however, most human languages in use now, have sounds, meaning and form. Sounds o a language are utterances produces by language speakers, meaning relates to what language expresses about the world we live in or any possible or imaginary world. Meaning in terms of semiotics perspectives usually deals with icon, index and symbol. Icon is a sign in which a perceptible likeness in its form is and what its meaning describes. Index is a sign whose meaning is interpreted from the context in which it is uttered. While symbol, is a sign in which the relationship between its form and meaning is strictly conventional, neither due to physical similarity or contextual constrains (Pierce in Foley 1997:25-26). Form refers to the means by which an element of language is expressed in speech or writing. The crucial effect of the conventionality of relationship between form and meaning in symbol is that, it frees the domain of the symbols meaning from constrains of the immediate context. A word which is a symbol has a sense, a meaning which can be stated via paraphrase and holds across context of usage (Foley 1997: 27). One of the linguistic phenomena that is now striving in Bahasa Indonesia is language deviation. Language deviation is language game by deviating through †plesetan† or deviation. It is a language game by deviating word or sentence or phrase in a new way that may be brought in to a new meaning so the meaning becomes richer than before. This process is known as word deviation process and the result is called deviation words or language. Language deviation helps the speaker to speak politely although the meaning is not polite. This is called euphemism and this is happens because of the situation needs. Euphemism is also used by people to make a joke also to make language to appreciate one another even to say impolite word(s) or sentence(s). This phenomenon is also found in Lamaholot Language. Lamaholot can be defined as a local language spoken in the east most of Flores island including Lembata island. According to Goris Keraf, (? ) Lamaholot language can be classified into thirty five dialects, they are Lamelera, Mulan, Ile Ape, Belang, Lewotala, Imulolo, Lewuka, Kalikasa, Lewokukun, Mingar, Wuakerong, Lewopenutu, Lamahora, Merdeka, Lewoeleng, Lamatuka, Atawolo, Kedang, Kiwangona, Dulhi, Watan, Horowura, Botun, Waiwadan, Lamakera, Ritaebang, Lewolema, Baipito, Waibalun, Bama, Lewolaga, Tanjung, Lewotobi, Pukaunu, and Hewa. Waibalun(Ile Mandiri) dialect is used by people in Waibalun village. Waibalun is located about five kilometers from Larantuka city, which is situated at western area of Larantuka sub district of East Flores Regency. Looking at the phenomena of language deviation that is known striving in Lamaholot language especially in Waibalun dialect, leads the writer to conduct a research under the title: â€Å"AN EUPHEMISM STUDY ON LANGUAGE DEVIATION USED BY YOUNG PEOPLE IN WAIBALUN VILLAGE OF EAST FLORES REGENCY†.